Do you feel like you are the only one who is disorganized?

Is your clutter causing you stress?

Would you like to downsize?

Check out this short video on the Top Three Common Mistakes Noted by Professional Organizers at almost every home. And then read on for more tips.

Mistake #1: Waiting until you can devote an entire weekend to decluttering. Clutter didn’t happen overnight; therefore, it is not going to get cleared overnight and certainly not in one weekend.

It is better to break your decluttering project down into bite size pieces. Start with 15 minutes a day. I call this “15 minutes to freedom”. You will find several tips on my site at

Why not start by clearing out all the recycling. That is all the bottles, papers, cans, glass, Styrofoam etc.

That is easily a 15-minute task. Staying focused is the key.

If you have a challenge staying focused, then best to hire me. 🙂

Mistake #2: Relying on a storage unit or the extra space you have in your home. Keeping unwanted things in storage is “deferred decision making”.  And just because you have space in your cupboards or closets doesn’t mean you have to fill it.

Keep only what you use, love and need. Pass the rest on with love.

Mistake #3: Keeping partially used beauty products even though you don’t like them and therefore don’t use them. People keep these items and many more because they paid for them and it feels like it’s a waste if they get rid of them. Storing them is not going to bring the money back into your account. Look at it as a “purchasing mistake”. We all do it and have done it. Pass those beauty products on to your local women’s shelter.

Getting It Together is a Professional Organizing company serving Vancouver, Burnaby, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, the Tri-Cities, Langley, Maple Ridge and beyond.  Get in touch so we can discuss how I can help you with your renovation today!

Rowena List, Professional Organizer

How would you like a 15-minute free over-the-phone discovery session?
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