Do you love potlucks? Most people do because of the variety of foods…….. unless you end up at an all dessert one and you’ve just come from a massive workout ready to eat your right arm.

Check out this short video by Rowena List of Getting It Together

Then read on for the Top 5 Tips on How To Attend A Potluck

Tip 1: Bring a substantial dish of food. Keep in mind there could be several people at this potluck and how nice to be able to leave leftovers for your Hostess.

Tip 2: Bring the appropriate serving utensils and make sure they have your name on them.

Tip 3: Be sure to take all your belongings home with you. The last thing your Hostess needs is extra serving dishes that she has know idea who they belong to. Go one step further and wash up all the dishes that don’t belong to your Hostess, that way all the guests can leave with clean bowls etc.

Tip 4: Try to bring something that doesn’t require going in the oven unless you have confirmed with your Hostess that hers works and will be on. I attended a potluck where many people brought things for the oven and it caused chaos in the kitchen.

Tip 5: Be mindful of bringing flowers unless you can take care of putting them in a vase for your Hostess. It’s one less thing she has to deal with.

Above all, have fun and be the best guest you can be.

PS: Keep in mind I do food prep and cooking for my clients now.

Contact for more details.

PPS: Do you find these tips helpful? If so, please share the love by sharing this link.