Did you know we wake up every day with a certain number of decision neurons in our brain?
Can you believe we make approximately 35,000 conscious decisions a day?
This applies to all decisions whether they are big or small. Important or not. Try to make major decisions first thing in the day.
Are you wasting these precious neurons on trying to decide what to wear, what to eat, where is my phone, where is that important document?
These simple decisions are robbing you of precious time, energy and the ability to make bigger decisions later in the day.
Causes of decision fatigue. Stress. Clutter. Overcommitted. Workload.
Signs of decision fatigue. Tired. Brain fog. Drained. Procrastination.

The number one way to combat decision fatigue. Clear the clutter.
Another way to combat decision fatigue is to stay focused.

A simple way to combat decision fatigue is to simplify meals.
Did you know we make about 226 decisions just on food each day? Keeping your meals simple and healthy are key.
Keeping clothing decision simple will also help with decision fatigue.
Check out this fact filled podcast with Kim Acedo and myself on Decision Fatigue
Kim Acedo, MS, CHWC
Midlife Women’s Wellness Coach
Transformation Wellness For Women
Website | LinkedIn | Facebook | Podcast
P.S. Are you still feeling overwhelmed and exhausted? Contact Rowena for a free 15-minute consultation.
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