How To Set Priorities

Do you feel like you are putting out fires all day long?

Do you feel like your time is never your time?

At the end of the day do you wonder what you really got done?


Take a look at this short simple video on “How To Set Priorities”

Then read on to get the top 4 quadrants to getting things done.

#1 Urgent/Important:

You wake up in the morning. What is one of the first things you do?

Is it urgent and important? If you are like most people it is….going to the washroom J

Then, getting washed up, fed and out the door to work. These are “must do’s”

These tasks have timelines if you want to be on time. They are urgent and they are important.RL1

Waking up in the morning and checking emails is “not” urgent or important.

Don’t get me wrong, your emails could very well be important; however do they need to be responded to before you have even taken care of your personal needs first?

What other “must do’s” do you have on your list of things to do?

(Oh wait a minute, you don’t have a list?) Let’s start there.

Do yourself a favour and write out your 6 most important things (6 being the magic number) you must do for the next day. These are things that only you can do. Then put these “to-do’s” in either the first or second quadrant.

#2 Not Urgent/Important:

This is the best quadrant to work from.

These are things that are important to you. Quality time with your family, exercising, clearing out the clutter, downsizing your aging parent’s home, spending time with friends, getting your taxes done. Achieving highly productive work activities without the sense of stress.

If you procrastinate on these above items they get moved to #1.

For example: Your Doctor orders you to start taking care of yourself, your parents pass on and now you are left with downsizing their home, your friends get resentful because you never make time to see them, your kids complain that all you ever do is work or your marriage is in trouble because you are having an affair with your mobile device. Your boss is yelling at you for the overdue reports.

Impeccable scheduling will eliminate the above examples.

#3 Urgent/Not Important:

Checking personal emails every single time the notification goes off. Note to self; turn the notification off.  Instead, set aside 2 times per day to check your personal emails.

Responding to texts the second they come in or worse while driving.

Answering your phone even when you are not free to talk. Like while you are with family and friends, while you are at dinner, while you are in the shower (yep, someone did that to me once)

Saying “yes” when you really mean “no”.

Anything that is a creative avoidance to what you really need to be doing and want to be doing.

#4 Not Urgent/Not Important:

Anything that is taking valuable time away from what you really want to do in life.

Watching endless TV, playing endless hours of video games, getting screen sucked, attending functions that are not contributing to your professional goals, attending meetings without an agenda or timeline, talking on the phone to a negative person who is not willing to take action to change their life and so on.

Don’t get me wrong, we all need some down time. Is yours in proportion to the rest of your life or are you using this quadrant as an escape?

PS: Are you still feeling time strapped? Connect today and receive your FREE weekly plan sheet. I will go over the best way for you to manage your time.

Know anyone who is always late? Share the love by sending this link to them.

Places You Should Never Store Anything

One of my goals is to keep my clients safe. I think you would all agree this is a good thing.

Having too much clutter can really be dangerous and unsafe.

Think about if there was a fire. Would you be able to get out of your home in a timely, safe manner?

If paramedics needed to come to your home, would they be able to safely enter?

Do you have trip zones?

Take a look at the short simple video on “Places You Should Never Store Anything”

And carry on reading the Getting It Together Top 3 Tips.

#1: Never store anything above your bed. You might think having floating shelves about the bed is a good idea until something falls off of the shelf in the middle of the night and hits you in the head. Ouch!

This goes for your kids rooms as well.

I see it all the time. A book shelf above the bed or a shelf for stuffed animals (ok, not so bad as they would not hurt you) even still; I do not recommend any shelving above a bed.

#2: Never store anything under the bed. Just think of all the dust that will collect unless you are willing to remove all the items under the bed once a week when you vacuum. I see a lot of people store spare blankets or clothes under the bed.  Do you really need those things? Have you long forgotten they were there? Is it time to pass them on with love?

#3: For sure, never store anything beside your furnace and hot water tank. Repair men need to be able to get to these at a moment’s notice.  Has your hot water tank ever leaked? You know what happens then and it is not pretty. Keep these areas clear.

PS: Do you find these newsletters of value? Please share the love by sharing them with your friends and family.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:35+00:00May 18th, 2016|Home Organization, Organizer, Organizing to Move|2 Comments

Estate Planning Made Simple

Personal estate organizing starts at the time we become an adult. Even if you think you have nothing of value there is still the question of your final wishes. Even if you think you have nothing there is still your bank account or your possible employment benefits etc.

We all know there is no escaping death, however we believe it will never happen to us. When we hear of a famous person’s demise we are usually in disbelief thinking that somehow they are exempt from death. And when it is a person close to us we go into shock, grief and sadness.

This is all real but somehow feels surreal.

Talking about death and dying does not mean it will come sooner. So why is it that we avoid the topic?

There are so many easy ways to be organized for your passing. This in turn will lessen the burden on your friends and family.

Imagine transitioning with grace.

Check out this short video on estate planning made simple and then read on for the Getting It Togethers Top 5 Tips.

Tip 1: Have a secure place for all of your digital passwords. Even if you use an online service like your loved ones still need to know how to get into that site.

Keep a copy in your safety deposit box.

Survivors need access to

  • Cell phone
  • Computer
  • Social media accounts
  • Home alarm with instructions on how to work it and the pass code.
  • Hidden spare keys and list of people who might have spare key to your home or vacation property.
  • Bank Accounts
  • Online accounts like banking, direct deposits, PayPal etc

Tip 2: Our stuff is less important to others. Are you saving stuff for your grown children? Do you even know if they want it or not?

I have heard of people having a family dinner where each person can claim certain heirlooms by placing a sticker on the bottom of the item with their name on it.

Or you might have special pieces of jewelry that you want to go to certain people which you will make note of in your will.

More has lost its appeal.

Less represents freedom.

Tip 3: Making special requests for your remains. Do your family members really know your final wishes?

Does everyone agree on them?

It is so important to have this in writing.

Advanced Planning- non legal organizing

  • Funeral, memorial service, celebration of life
  • Organ donation plan
  • Cremation or burial
  • Obituary ( be very careful about identity theft when publishing)
  • Eulogy
  • Asset Distribution
  • Estate Directory – friends, family ( have an up to date list of all their names and numbers)
  • List of Doctors, lawyers, financial planner, minister, accountant, insurance agent, employer, godparents, neighbours, kids school, babysitter, and daycare. Be sure to update these lists as things change in your life. I suggest reviewing this information once a year.
  • phone company
  • banks
  • credit card companies
  • volunteer organizations you belong to
  • Safety deposit box (with location of key) one way to insure smooth sailing is to have your bank acct and safety deposit box in joint name with one of your survivors.
  • Anything else you can think of that your survivors would need access to. Like passport, birth certificate and SIN # etc

Tip 4: Legal Essentials

  • Will
  • Power of Attorney
  • Representation Agreement ( living will)
  • Cash/life insurance, all financial documents
  • Business Succession Plan (if you own your own business) listing names of employees and their numbers, any contract workers or suppliers.
  • Any outstanding loans/alimony/child support

Tip 5: In order to process a registration of death for vital statistics and to process a death certificate, the funeral home will need the following

  • The deceased persons full legal name including maiden name if female
  • Date of birth
  • Date of death
  • Birthplace
  • Social insurance number
  • Health care number
  • Fathers full name
  • Mothers full name
  • Full name of surviving spouse
  • Occupation and for how long
  • Religious affiliation
  • Was the deceased a military veteran? This is important to have this information on file.

I am wishing all of my readers a long, happy, healthy, successful life.

When you do pass on, where will your affairs lie in the spectrum between chaos and order?

Please let me help you and your loved ones by making this transition smooth.

PS: Contact me today for a free 15 minute phone consultant on estate organizing. I’ll share with you your first next step.

Top 10 Tips To Being Organized And Put More Money In Your Pocket

One of the costs of clutter is money. Being disorganized can break the bank in more ways than one.

Do you catch yourself buying things because you

  1. A) Cannot find them in your home or
  2. B) Cannot remember if you have that item or
  3. C) You were so rushed in the morning that you did not make a lunch?

Would it be great if everything had a home and you could find what you were looking for in 20 seconds or less?

Check out this short video on The Top 10 Tips To Being Organized And Put More Money In Your Pocket.

Then read on for Getting It Togethers’ Top 10 Tips To Being Organized And Put More Money In Your Pocket.

Tip #1. Take your lunch. Get yourself organized by making your lunch the night before. I know we have all heard this one before but it is worth repeating. When you are organized it takes as little as 3-5 minutes to make a lunch for yourself. Not only is it healthier it is also going to save you big bucks. (well over $75.00 a week)

Tip #2. Avoid late-payment fees. Let’s get you a system in place so you no longer miss payments and get charged late fees. Setting up the system will take about 30 minutes. Well worth it don’t you think?

Tip #3. Call your local phone company to see if you have the best plan possible. Plans are always changing and most companies are willing to negotiate a new plan for you at no extra cost. I was able to lower my phone bill be 10.00 a month. That is 120.00 a year back in my pocket. This will take less than 5 minutes as long as you are not put on hold J If you are put on hold, take that time to toss out some old papers that have been piling up.

Tip #4. Call your local cable company and ask them the same thing. Are you really watching all 500 channels? Can you get a better “package?” This will take about the same amount of time as the above tip.

Tip #5. Pay your credit card off in full each month. Be organized with your online banking so you do not miss a payment. This takes 3 minutes to set up and can save you hundreds of dollars in interest fees.

Tip #6. Plan your meals for the week. This avoids running into the grocery store several times a week. Not only does this save you huge amounts of time it saves on impulse buying. Take 15 minutes once a week to plan your meals and make your shopping list. And yes, I can help you with this by giving you simply easy dinner menu items for you and your family.

Tip #7. Plan ahead when traveling by taking your own snacks on the plane. Airport food is overpriced. Just think of what a bottle of water costs in an airport!

Tip #8. Be organized and save money by purchasing your sunscreen ahead of time. Tourist shops increase the prices for people who forget their sunscreen at home.

Tip #9. Sell unwanted items in your home before they are no good to anyone else. Perfect example of this is items that get outdated like furniture and clothing. I know you are keeping them “just in case” however this is where you need to get ruthless and ask yourself “would I replace this item if it was lost in a flood or fire?” If not, then it is time to pass it on.

Tip #10. Repurpose greeting cards that are sent to you. Cut the front off (picture part) and glue it to a new piece of paper.Voila! a new card. Great way to repurpose your kids’ art work too. Use it for wrapping paper or make cards out of them.

PS: Are we connected on Facebook? If not, please head on over and click the “LIKE” button and then “SHARE” the page on your Facebook.

Thanking you in advance for spreading the love. I will do the same for you.


Top 10 Things to Consider When Designing a Custom Closet


Before Picture

Have you ever thought to yourself “why can I not get my closets organized?”

Do you dream of a walk in closet that looks like the ones in the magazines?

Getting your closets organized is a combination of things.

Firstly you might have too much stuff in too small a space or it could be that the design of the closet is not the best use of space or it could be a combination of both. What is your situation?

So let’s say you have downsized all of your closets and things are still not fitting in. Then what!

Is it time to bring in the big guns and get some custom closets installed?

RL2You will be amazed at how the custom closet companies can make the best use of the space you have. You might even end up with double the hanging space.

I work very closely with a company here in the Lower Mainland of Vancouver. Their work is professional and guaranteed. If you are interested in hearing more please contact me and we can arrange a free estimate.



In the mean time check out this short video on The Top 10 Things To Consider When Designing A Custom Closet.

Here are Getting It Togethers’ Top 10 things to consider when designing a custom closet.

  1. What is your closet being used for and who will be using it?
  • Is it your front entrance closet where you not only need room for you and your family’s shoes and coats but would you also like room for when guests come over?
  • Is it strictly for clothes?
  • Is it a storage closet for suitcases, airconditioner and or holiday decorations?
  • Is it in your home office?
  • Is it in the spare room or children’s room?
  • Is it your kitchen pantry or one of those tricky corner cupboards in your kitchen?

2. Do you change your clothes seasonally or do you like to have all of your clothes in one place?

3. Do you like to keep shoes in the same closet as your clothes?

If so, do you like your shoes in shoe boxes (I recommend clear ones) or do you like them on flat shelves or angled shelves? And what about purses?

4. Are you right handed or left handed? This makes a difference as to how you open and close things and how you work in say your office or the kitchen.

5. Do you prefer to hang your pants or do you like to fold them on a shelf? Same goes for your tee shirts.

6. Where do you like to have the dirty clothes hamper?

7. What are the heights of the people using the closet, as well as the height of the person putting the clothes away?

8. Do you like to have a dresser in your bedroom or would you rather small drawers in your closet for things like socks, underwear, workout gear and such?

9. What is your career? Do you need an area for long formal gowns, and if so how much? Do you wear a uniform? Do you need a tie rack or belt rack?

10. What, if any impediments are in the closet? The opening to your attic or crawl space, the door chimes, alarm system, plugs, or heat vents.


After picture

Now that you have your custom closets installed you will want to put your things away in the most organized fashion. Time to bring in the big guns again. That would be me 🙂

I’ll put everything away for you in your clothes closet, pantry, office , garage and kids room. It will look like the magazine photos.

Just think of how much more time you will have now that you can find what you are looking for in 20 seconds or less. Think of how relaxed you will be because things will not be falling on your head. Think of the money you will save because you will be able to find what you need and will not be running out to buy a new one that you thought was lost. Sounds like paradise doesn’t it?

What are you waiting for? Call today to book your free over the phone session – 604-520-9550

PS: If you liked this article and found it helpful please share the love by sharing the link. And as always, love to hear from you in the comment box below.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:36+00:00January 12th, 2016|Home Organization, Organizer, Organizing to Move|0 Comments

Live Simply So Others May Simply Live – Part 2

(just in case you did not read part 1 here it is)

Have you noticed when you are traveling how much stuff people have?

Do you catch yourself traveling with loads more than you need?

Or are you the type of person who travels with a carry on only to realize that indeed you can live a week or 2 with very little?

Wouldn’t you agree that we all have more stuff than we need?

Check out this short video on “live simply so others may simply – part 2”

If you like this video on live simply so others may simply live, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends. Especially those who have a lot of stuff!

Here are some interesting facts about our stuff.


People keep 30% more paper than they need……. WHY?? Is it because of fear? Is it because you do not know what to do with the papers? Is it because you think you will need/use that paper/information one day? I encourage you to not print things off of your computer unless it is absolutely mandatory. Instead, set up files on your computer to store your important papers.

What is your reason for keeping papers? Please leave your comments in the box below.

A study done by the POC (Professional Organizers of Canada) found that 70% of Canadians feel dis-organized and 20% feel they cannot relax at home because of clutter.

Your home is meant to be your sanctuary. A place you go for peace and quiet. (except if you have children running aroundJ) A place where you can “run away” from it all. How sad if you feel like you cannot relax in your own home. A cluttered home usually means a cluttered mind. Start clearing your clutter and see how much more relaxed you are.

In an effort to live simply so others may simple live follow these top 5 Getting It Together tips.

Tip #1: Let go of anything that is collecting dust. If it is collecting dust chances are you are not using it. RL1Collections are a perfect example. Imagine trying to dust this collection in the picture.You might not even be moving it from the place where it is collecting dust in order to clean in that area. For example: items sitting in a china cabinet. I know of a person who cleans their china cabinet in preparation for the Christmas holidays. She even polishes her silver! That is how she likes to spend her time and that is perfectly fine. Personally I got rid of such “high maintenance” items. How about you?

Tip #2: Let go of anything that dredges up unpleasant emotions. For example, photos of people you no longer adore. Items you are not using but storing from a deceased relative. These items are stuck energy. People often think that by tossing the items they are tossing the memories of that person. This is not true. You will always remember the people who are near and dear to you. (you’ll even remember the people who are not near and dear to you) You do not need to keep their stuff in order to honour them. You can always take a picture of the item before you give it away.

Tip #3: Let go of anything that no longer works. I am talking about electronics etc not husbands 🙂  Sadly we are in a disposable world. Most often it is more expensive to repair an item than it is to replace it.

RL5Tip #4: Let go of anything that is uncomfortable. That goes for clothing that is to tight, furniture that you never sit in because of its comfort level or shoes that you cannot walk in. Keeping uncomfortable items does not bring back the money you spent on it. Pass these items on with love.

Tip #5: Let go of anything that is causing you stress. This might mean a relationship that was once great and has now turned to not so great. Toxic relationships cause a lot of stress and mind clutter. Is it time to look for a new job? Is yours causing stress?

PS: As we close 2015 off, I would like to thank each and everyone of you for your continued support. It was a full year at Getting It Together, with a face lift to our site and the addition of our coaching services. Entrepreneurs, stay at home moms/dads, corporate Canadians/Americans are some of the few who have taken full advantage of coaching with me this past year and have experienced more passion, harmony and productivity in their lives.

So my gift to you this Holiday Season is a discovery session. If you have not grabbed yours yet please do so, as a gift to yourself. Simply contact us at to book your spot.
In the meantime, have a safe, happy, healthy and clutter free Holiday.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:36+00:00December 15th, 2015|Home Organization, Organizer, Organizing to Move|0 Comments

Downsizing Your Memorabilia

Are you a sentimental kind of person?

Have you saved everything and I mean everything from your children’s past?

Would you like to get a handle on your memorabilia?

Check out this short video for some very quick simple tips on downsizing your memorabilia.

and if you like it please click the” like” button and then pass it on to your friends and family.

Then read on for Getting It Together’s Top 3 Tips on downsizing your memorabilia.

We all go through different stages in our lives. At one point you may have kept everything that had any sentimental value to you. Then as time moves on you may have thought that some of this “stuff” was holding you back. Or maybe like me you were forced to downsize and decided that you were not going to move all of your memorabilia with you yet again.

1How many of us really even have the extra time to go through our memorabilia boxes? The only time I ever have is when I was getting ready to move.

Oh ya, I hear you. You are waiting until you retire or until you are in a senior’s home and then you will go through it all. I have yet to meet a senior who has any more time now then when they were working full time. Funny how that works isn’t it. Well that is because activities fill the time we allot them. You have 5 minutes to tidy up your kitchen before guests arrive and you can get it done. If you have all day you might procrastinate a little. This is human nature.

Tip: 1 Have one medium size rubber container per person in your household. That is the limit of stuff you will save for them or for yourself. If the container gets full then it is time to go through it and pull out some less important items. You will see as time goes on how certain items do lose their priority.

Tip: 2 Ask yourself the purpose of keeping each item. Is it sentimental? Is it from a family member who really wanted you to have a certain item? Is it from a vacation? If you do not have a concrete purpose of keeping the item then it is time to ask yourself why. Why am I keeping it?

Tip: 3 Keep your memorabilia box up high on a shelf. You do not want it to get water damage if you happen to have a flood in your basement of crawl space.

How about you? Where do you stand on the sentimental stage? Love to hear from you in the comment box below.

Enjoy your precious memorabilia items. I sure do.

PS: Did you know I offer over the phone coaching services? If you would like to live more on purpose and passion or would like a better handle on setting boundaries then please contact me for a FREE 30 minute discovery session.

Go to to book your session now.

How To Make Good Habits

Have you vowed to get organized once and for all?

Do you dream of impeccable time management habits?

Is this the year you will exercise, eat better, get more sleep, stop smoking or make some other positive change?

Why is it that some people can make good habits a habit and others can not?

Check out this short video on how to make good habits

And then read the Getting It Together’s Top 5 Tips on how to make good habits.

Tip #1: Visualize. In order to move forward with new habits you need to see yourself already there. Visualize yourself as a non smoker or as eating healthy whole foods. Think about how this new habit will improve your life.

Tip #2: Journal. Once you have visualized yourself already in the new habit now you will want to keep track of it in a journal. Write out all the benefits of achieving this new habit like increased energy or that you will be able to find what you are looking for in 20 seconds or less once your home is all organized.

Tip #3: One step at a time. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to organize your whole home in one day? In most cases this is impossible however if you set up small baby steps you can accomplish it. Take 15 minutes a day and work on one small area. For example your sock drawer. Take out all the odd socks and holey ones. Donate any extras if you have too many pairs and leave the rest. Easy to do in 15 minutes for sure.

Tip #4: Grab a buddy. Things are always better with a buddy. Who do you know who would like to get in better shape? Team up with them for long walk and talks. Make it a habit to meet once twice or even three times a week. Make each other accountable. Leaving a comment in the comment box below is a great way to becoming accountable. Tell us what your new habit is and we will hold you to it.:)

Tip #5: Have a plan. Know what you need to do in order to reach your goals. What daily habits do you need to instill to keep organized, eat better, get in shape, or stop smoking?

PS: Enter to win!

Getting It Together has just had a makeover and we want to hear from you.  Please leave a comment in the comment box and your name will be entered into a draw to WIN a purse Organizer.

Check it out

Share the love by sharing the link. Thank You

By |2020-06-07T20:52:36+00:00October 28th, 2015|Home Organization, Organizer, Time Management|3 Comments

How To Improve Your Energy Management

Do you wish you had more time or do you wish you had more energy?

Do you wonder how some people get so much done in a day?

What if we were to manage our energy within those 24 hours would it feel like we had more time?

Time is finite, energy is not.

Please take the time now to watch this quick video on How to improve your energy management.

What are some of the things that energize you?

Some of mine are hanging out with friends, going for a nice long walk, sitting and having a gourmet cup of coffee, and an organized home.

What are some of the things that de-energize you?

Some of mine are being around negative people, chaos, unresolved conflicts, and not getting enough sleep.

IMG_1226Every day we wake up with our “bag” of energy. When we do things that energize us our bag gets filled up. When we do things that deplete our energy our bag gets sucked dry. We need to do things everyday to fill our bag of energy up. Increased energy means we get more done in less time. Has anyone ever called you and said “hey I am in your neighborhood and I would like to stop by in 20 minutes?” Do you wonder where all that energy comes from to quickly put things away and straighten up the house? You get it done in record time. And, if you have all day to tidy up your house you probably take all day. See how this increase in energy has just given you extra time?

Here are Getting It Together’s Top three quick tips on How to Improve Your Energy Management

Tip #1. Make a list of the things that energize you and a list of the things that deplete your energy. Love for you to share some of them in the comment box below. I’ll bet most of us have many in common.

Tip #2. Do at least one thing every day that gives you energy. It might be as simple as sitting for 15 minutes and enjoying a cup of herbal tea. It might be meditating for 15 minutes or exercising. I highly recommend scheduling these energy boosters in your calendar. They are a very important appointment with you.

Tip #3. Take a look at your list of energy busters. The things that drain you. What can you delegate? What can you eliminate? Our plates are only as full as we make them. Are there some things that can wait? By eliminating some of these energy drainers you will increase your time. How will you use this new found time? If there are things that only you can do and they are energy drainers do them first thing. Get them off the list and reward yourself with an energy enhancer activity.

P.S. Catch Rowena LIVE on this one time Blog Radio Show interview – April 18th at 10:30am PST. You will get the latest significant business secrets and more all for FREE. Click here so you won’t miss it. Just click on the reminder button to save to your calendar or have an email reminder sent to you.

How To Organize Kids Artwork – what to keep and how to store the rest

Kids artworkDo you have the next up and coming Picasso?

Do you wish you could keep every piece of artwork your kids bring home?

Do you keep all the art thinking that your kids will want it when they are grown up?

Human nature is such that we all think pretty much the same on this topic. We feel that every piece of artwork is the BEST piece. We feel that we want to keep all the kids artwork because it would hurt their feelings if they saw it in the recycle bin. We also think they will want it when they are grown up … is this so they can show their own kids? Do you have your artwork from your childhood? What are you doing with it? How many times have you moved it? Is it filled with dust and must?

I do not know about you, but I do not have one piece of artwork from my childhood. I am perfectly okay with that as I see other children’s artwork and know that mine would have looked almost identical. Plus, what would I do with 10 plus year old artwork? I really do not feel any less than by not having my artwork.

I do have a vivid memory of a piece of artwork that I did that won me $5.00. It was of a dragon. It was big and bright and colourful. The memory is all I need.

Take a quick moment to watch this video on How to Organize Kids Artwork:

Then give these simple 5 tips a try on how to organize your kid’s artwork.

Tip#1: Designate one wall or hallway for your kid’s artwork. Hang a long piece of string on that wall that looks like a clothes line but attached to the wall. Hang clothes pins from the string.

Tip#2: Each time your child brings home a piece of artwork hang it from the “clothesline”.

Tip#3: At the end of each week take a photo of your child standing beside his/her artwork. These pictures make really cool screensaver slideshows or a Pinterest board!

Tip#4: At the end of each week take all the art down off the string. Along with your child (or not) decide on ONE piece of art from that week that you will keep. The rest can be recycled, used as wrapping paper for the next Birthday party, made into greeting cards for family and friends, or turned into party invitations. You can even send the artwork off to grandparents or aunts and uncles.

Tip#5: At the end of each month you will have 4 pieces of your children’s finest Picasso. Along with them or by yourself select ONE of your favorite to store in a keepsake box. The other 3 get tossed, or repurposed as mentioned in tip #4. At the end of the year you will have 12 pieces of art. Now it is time to get ruthless again and select ONE piece that will be saved in your child’s memorabilia box or you may choose to frame this one piece or you may choose to put it in a bound book. You can also add the weekly photos that you took to this book or scrapbook. I have seen really cool bound books of kid’s artwork. If you are interested in this please contact me and I will give you the contact information.

I would love to see your children’s artwork. Please send me a picture or two. Also, I would love to hear your comments. Please fill in the box below with your great ideas on organizing your kid’s artwork or any questions you might have.

Have you set up a Pinterest account? If not please feel free to contact me. I’ll give you the highs and lows in a FREE 30 minute phone consultation. We will discuss whether you need a Pinterest account. What you can pin and why you might like to have a Pinterest account.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:40+00:00December 15th, 2014|Home Organization, Organizer|2 Comments
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