How to Live to 100, or More

Long lifeHow well are you taking care of yourself? Are you organized enough to prepare healthy meals for yourself?

Do you exercise daily?

Are you expecting to live to at least 100?

I am sure many of us would love to live to 100 or more as long as we are healthy in our minds and bodies. Well that is one of the tips.

Below are the top tips I have discovered to help you get the most out of a long life:

  • Keep your body active. No matter what age or fitness level you are right now, KEEP moving. A slow 15-30 minute walk everyday and a little stretching is a great start. Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Keep your mind active. A great way is staying up to date with technology. Reading and playing card games are another way to keep a sharp mind.
  • Eat a wide variety of well balanced foods. Lots of fruits and veggies, (as much raw as possible) moderate amounts of meat, chicken and fish and low amounts of carbs. Carbs meaning bread, pasta and rice.
  • Keep your portions moderate. When we were younger we could all eat like a horse and it not show. As we age our metabolism slows down. Eat smaller portions. Your digestive track will love you for it.
  • Long lifeListen to music. Have a wide variety of tunes. You might not like some of the most modern music of today however listening to it once in awhile will keep you young at heart. You’ll also know what your grandkids and great-grandkids are up to.
  • Meet new people. Get out and attend social events. Join your local senior centre.
  • Hang out with friends and family. You might not feel like cooking big family dinners anymore, however you can still have them. Order in, have a potluck or take everyone out to dinner.
  • Do your hair. Just because you don’t go out of the house everyday does not mean you do not have to comb your hair. Add a little lipstick (for the ladies who are reading this). Get dressed including accessories. You never know who might show up at your door!
  • Keep your independence. Drive for as long as it is safe and you feel comfortable.
  • Keep intimate relationships. Happily married people live longer. Sexually active seniors live longer. They are healthier and happier.
  • Give to others. Volunteer in your community. Help a friend in need.
  • Hang out with younger people. Younger people want to learn from us older folks. We are here to share our wisdom.
  • Stay positive and grateful. Hang out with positive people, read positive books and know that the world is a better place because YOU are in it.
  • Get and stay organized. You do not want to trip and fall over clutter. You could break a leg or hit your head. You’ll also want to stay organized in case you need hired help in your home. Housekeeper, nurse etc.
  • Downsize early. Don’t wait until it is too late for you to do it yourself. Downsizing frees your mind and your home of unwanted clutter.
  • Here is to all of us living long, healthy, happy lives. Celebrate in style and be sure to invite me to your birthday party!!

For more detailed information on health and longevity please call for a FREE 30 minute phone

We will discuss your personal fitness level and where to start. Your eating habits and how to improve them and any other lifestyle changes. We can even discuss downsizing and what that looks like to you.

5 Simple Steps To Get Your Tax Receipts Together

Are you self employed?

Do you have a pile of receipts on every corner of your desk, in every pocket or purse?

Have you ever wondered how to organize your receipts for taxes.

There is no time like the present to get a solid system in place. This system will save you hundreds of dollars in bookkeeping fees, hundreds of dollars in professional organizing fees and will save you loads of stress at tax time.

Below are my 5 simple steps to creating a receipt filing system to get you completely prepared (early!) for tax season!

taxTip #1: Get yourself a basic accordion file box.

I have used the same one for almost 3 decades. It is called “canceled check file”. Make labels of the appropriate tax deductions for your business.

Some common ones are:

  • Entertainment (taking clients out for coffee or a meal)
  • Car expenses (includes fuel, repairs, insurance)
  • Parking
  • Supplies (pens, paper, envelopes and so on)
  • Phone (including mobile devices)
  • Rent or Mortgage Costs
  • You may have other expenses. These are only a few of the main ones.

The key is to file all your receipts every other day or at least at the end of each week. I file mine while I have my phone headset on, taking to a friend or family member. Yes I can do both tasks when it comes to this one.

Tip #2: Your next step is to add up all of your receipts. It is best if this is done at the end of each month. This is where people get themselves into trouble. They leave it for months or even years on end then the task becomes overwhelming.

Take all your entertainment receipts, add them up, and staple them together with the total on the front. Do this for each file you have set up.

Tip #3: Send all your collated receipts to your bookkeeper. They will then do all the data input and have spreadsheets ready for your account. I send 3 months worth at a time to my bookkeeper.

If you are totally electronic you can do this step yourself and simply input your receipts in the computer program you are using. Even basic computer programs like Excel will do all the totals for you.

Tip #4: Once a year, yes that is right once a year, pay a visit to your accountant and get your taxes filed on time. One of the most common items I come across while conducting hands-on organizing is overdue tax returns. The tax department does not like it when people do not file their tax returns. There are huge fines involved and BIG red flags go in front of your name.

Tip #5: Store all receipts and tax returns in an out of reach area. (Check out my video on crawl spaces for some tips, click here.) I like to put them in a plastic container so they do not get dusty, wet or moldy. The requirement in most countries is to keep your past records for 7 years. Once you put in a new year take out the oldest year and shred it. If you are applying for a mortgage you might be asked to show your last 3 years of tax returns. This is another great reason to be organized.

How would you like a FREE downloadable List  of labels of all the appropriate tax deductions for your business? Please contact me and we will set up a complimentary no-obligation 30-minute phone call on how to move forward with your dreams, goals and resolutions. If you arrange your FREE call with me, I will send this FREE list to you so you can get on the right path to organization.

Here’s to your success!

How to Organize a Pantry by Rowena List, Professional Organizer and Speaker

 organize a pantry Chiot’s Run Rowena List of Getting it Together shows you how to organize a pantry

Does your pantry look like a bomb went off in it?

Do you wish your pantry was user friendly?

Don’t know where to start with the question, How do I organize a pantry?

Watch this short video to get some of my top tips on how to “organize a pantry.”





The other day I was working on a clients pantry. It is interesting what I find shoved way back in pantries. Mostly it is old dried food items and expired cans and jars. One time I found a can of applesauce that had exploded! What is hiding in your pantry? Please leave your story or comments in the box below.

Would you like some help to organize a pantry?

Contact me today and we can book a hands on organizing session. You’ll love the way your pantry looks and how organized it will be.


In the mean time If you like this video, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends.  And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to and get on the list.  You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.


By |2020-06-07T20:52:50+00:00December 7th, 2011|Home Organization, Organizer|0 Comments

How to organize under the kitchen sink by Rowena List, Professional Organizer and Speaker

What have you got under the kitchen sink?

How long has it been there?

under the kitchen sink When was the last time you organized under the kitchen sink?

This short video will give you some of my top tips on “how to organize under the kitchen sink”

Once you have watched it you may want to get the cool organizing trays that I have under the kitchen sink.

If so, please contact me and I’ll give you the nearest store in your area.  image via Dorli Photography

If you like this video about what’s under the kitchen sink, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends.  And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to and get on the list.  You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.


By |2020-06-07T20:52:50+00:00December 2nd, 2011|Home Organization, Organizer|0 Comments

Crawl Spaces part 2 by Rowena List Professional Organizer and Speaker

Do you have a crawl space?

What is in it? When was the last time you took something out of your crawl space? Come on be honest!

Check out this short video on crawl spaces………….you will see that I am not a crawl space kind of gal.

Has your crawl space turned into public storage for your friends and family?
I highly discourage this.

Most people keep things in their crawl space for so many years that in the end they do not even know what is in their crawl spaces.

I do not want you to be one of those people.

Please let me support you in moving forward with organizing and clearing out your “crawl spaces.” Contact me today for a FREE 30 minute phone consultation.

Do you have a great crawl space story?
Leave it in the comment box below.
In the mean time if you like this video, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends. And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to and get on the list. You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:50+00:00November 22nd, 2011|Home Organization, Organizer|0 Comments

Organizing a crawl space by Rowena List Professional Organizer and Speaker

What is the most important item that you have in your crawl space?

Is it easy to get at? Easy to find? Properly stored?

Check out this short video on organizing a crawl space.

I’m sure you will get a tip or two that you can use right away.

I am not a fan of crawl spaces. They are usually dark,dusty and have spiders. Not that I am freaked out by spiders. I just like them better when they are outside my home instead of inside my home. How about you?

A crawl space can become a catch all.

Has yours?

Is it time to take action and clear it out. Discover what really is hiding in your “crawl space.” Please contact me and I will give you my top tip on how to move forward with getting started.

In the mean time if you like this video, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends.  And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to and get on the list.  You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.


By |2020-06-07T20:52:51+00:00November 22nd, 2011|Home Organization, Organizer|0 Comments

How to Organize Your Fridge

Did you “organize your fridge” today?

Most people give their fridge a good clean out.( I do mine before putting the groceries away) However do you ever think of organizing it?

Check out this video on how to organize your fridge.

I’ll be curious as to your thoughts. Please leave them in the comment box below.

 Have you ever come across any “science projects” in your fridge? I know of people who put the smallest amounts of leftovers in their fridge. They forget that those leftovers are there. You guessed it. The science project is taking place as you sleep. Be sure to properly label items in your fridge. Have a meal plan as to when you will be using those leftovers. Say good-bye to waste and science projects.

Need a little help with how to organize your fridge and meal planning?

Contact me and I’ll give you a FREE 30 minute phone consultation. I’ll give you my top tips on the best meal planning to date.

If you like this video, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends.  And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to and get on the list.  You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:51+00:00November 11th, 2011|Home Organization, Organizer, Organizing to Move|0 Comments

How To Organize Make-up. How Long Can I Keep My Makeup?

Yes make-up does have an expiry date. How old are some of your make-up items?

If you can not remember when you bought them or last used them then it is time to TOSS!

Check ou this video on how to organize make-up.

You will find out how long is too long. What to toss and when.

Make-up styles change and so do we. I have met people who proudly tell me they still have eyeshadow from their high school days…….YUK!! This is way to long to be keeping make-up unless you graduated this past June.

If you do not use much make-up be sure to buy the smallest size of each item possible.

What I like about is the small sizes of eye shadows.I love how you can get refils of your most used colours. You do not have to buy a whole new compact.

When was the last time you treated yourself to a new look?

Please be my guest.

I will treat you to a new look and show you how to organize make-up so it is fresh and clean.

I know what to look for in old make-up. I’ll give you my secrets on what to keep and what to toss.

In the mean time if you like this video, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends.  And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to and get on the list.  You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:51+00:00November 9th, 2011|Home Organization|0 Comments

Getting to the Gym!

Getting to the Gym.

Do you wish you would jump out of bed and head right to the gym?

Are you organized to do this? Would you like the number one tips on how to do this?

Check ou this short video on getting to the gym.

I think these tips will help you bounce out of bed and head straight to the gym.

This video on getting to the gym will give you something to talk about at the gym.

Will I see you there?

Getting to the gym is my number one task of each day. Treat it like you would any other appointment. You’ll be so happy and healthy starting your day off at the gym.


 If you like this video, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends.  And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to and get on the list.  You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your homein 15 minutes or less.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:51+00:00January 31st, 2011|Home Organization|2 Comments

How to organize a Medicine Cabinet

When was the last time you thought about how to organize a medicine cabinet?

Most medicine cabinets have everything shoved in them.

There are many items that have expired.Many items that are no longer needed by you or your family members and many itmes that have spilled over.

That is the sticky yukky stuff that is on the medicine cabinet shelf.

Check out this short video on how to organize a medicine cabinet.

Be sure to leave your comments in the box below.

I like to collect funny stories and I am thinking you might have one.

Not wanting to face your medicine cabinet alone………contact me for a FREE 30 minute phone consultation. I’ll walk you through the steps on how to organize a medicine cabinet. What to keep, what to toss and how to put everything back in it’s right place.

If you like this video, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends.  And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to and get on the list.  You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your homein 15 minutes or less.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:52+00:00January 31st, 2011|Home Organization|0 Comments
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