How to Live to 100, or More
How well are you taking care of yourself? Are you organized enough to prepare healthy meals for yourself?
Do you exercise daily?
Are you expecting to live to at least 100?
I am sure many of us would love to live to 100 or more as long as we are healthy in our minds and bodies. Well that is one of the tips.
Below are the top tips I have discovered to help you get the most out of a long life:
- Keep your body active. No matter what age or fitness level you are right now, KEEP moving. A slow 15-30 minute walk everyday and a little stretching is a great start. Maintain a healthy weight.
- Keep your mind active. A great way is staying up to date with technology. Reading and playing card games are another way to keep a sharp mind.
- Eat a wide variety of well balanced foods. Lots of fruits and veggies, (as much raw as possible) moderate amounts of meat, chicken and fish and low amounts of carbs. Carbs meaning bread, pasta and rice.
- Keep your portions moderate. When we were younger we could all eat like a horse and it not show. As we age our metabolism slows down. Eat smaller portions. Your digestive track will love you for it.
- Listen to music. Have a wide variety of tunes. You might not like some of the most modern music of today however listening to it once in awhile will keep you young at heart. You’ll also know what your grandkids and great-grandkids are up to.
- Meet new people. Get out and attend social events. Join your local senior centre.
- Hang out with friends and family. You might not feel like cooking big family dinners anymore, however you can still have them. Order in, have a potluck or take everyone out to dinner.
- Do your hair. Just because you don’t go out of the house everyday does not mean you do not have to comb your hair. Add a little lipstick (for the ladies who are reading this). Get dressed including accessories. You never know who might show up at your door!
- Keep your independence. Drive for as long as it is safe and you feel comfortable.
- Keep intimate relationships. Happily married people live longer. Sexually active seniors live longer. They are healthier and happier.
- Give to others. Volunteer in your community. Help a friend in need.
- Hang out with younger people. Younger people want to learn from us older folks. We are here to share our wisdom.
- Stay positive and grateful. Hang out with positive people, read positive books and know that the world is a better place because YOU are in it.
- Get and stay organized. You do not want to trip and fall over clutter. You could break a leg or hit your head. You’ll also want to stay organized in case you need hired help in your home. Housekeeper, nurse etc.
- Downsize early. Don’t wait until it is too late for you to do it yourself. Downsizing frees your mind and your home of unwanted clutter.
- Here is to all of us living long, healthy, happy lives. Celebrate in style and be sure to invite me to your birthday party!!
For more detailed information on health and longevity please call for a FREE 30 minute phone
We will discuss your personal fitness level and where to start. Your eating habits and how to improve them and any other lifestyle changes. We can even discuss downsizing and what that looks like to you.