Top 3 Steps to Getting Your Closet Together

Less Stress, Frustration and… Dust

Does your closet look like it has been hit by a tornado?

Every time you go into your closet do you look at the clothes and find yourself saying: “I have to get rid of these, I never wear them”, “It’s been so long since I wore this, maybe tomorrow or “I know I’ll fit into this next summer after I lose weight”.

Do you find yourself having a hard time choosing what to wear? Wasting precious time.

Are you having trouble finding items in your closet, or worse finding room for all your clothes?

With an organized closet you always find what you want right away – everything flows smoothly and quickly!

A disorganized closet can store a lot more than clothes and shoes. Stress, frustration, heartbreak, anger and a loss-of-patience can also be hiding in there. And don’t forget the dust!

Top 3 Steps to Getting Your Closet Together

Step 1

Would you agree that we generally wear our newest clothes; the clothes that fit us comfortably and the outfits we feel good in? We wear 20% of our wardrobe 80% of the time. So why are you keeping the rest? For those “when I lose weight” or “I know I’ll wear it someday” or my favorite “just in case” excuses?

A simple way to clear your closet clutter is to first ask yourself:

1.” Would I buy it again?”
2. “Have I worn it in the past year?”
3. “Does it fit?”
4. “Do I feel fabulous in it?”

Any clothing item that received a “No” answer has got to go!

Step 2

Take it out of your closet and pass it on, with love, to a charity, to a friend or even bring it to a consignment store and have it sold for you. (When giving clothing to a charity, please keep in mind that if you wouldn’t want one of your friends to be seen in that clothing, in public, it might not be suitable for charity either). Eveningwear and/or special-occasion outfits are the only exception to the “one-year” rule. Or why not have a clothing swap? They are my favorite.

Step 3

For the items you are keeping:

  • Ensure that outfits can be coordinated with the littlest effort possible. Try to make sure that most of the items remaining in your closet can be paired with at least three other items.
  • Separate your wardrobe into tops, bottoms and jackets so that you can quickly and effortlessly mix and match the items to make a variety of fabulous outfits. If you choose to organize your clothes in this fashion, your closet will appear clean, tidy and full – but not overstuffed! Just imagine how fast and easy getting dressed will be?

Together Tips

  1. Use the same style of hangers throughout your closet and have them facing in the same direction. You’d be surprised at the difference this makes!
  2. What about purses, belts and shoes? How many black bags and black strappy heels does a girl need? That depends on your lifestyle. Just make sure that all handbags, purses, belts and shoes that you keep are in good shape, are comfortable and are in style. A good quality handbag and a pair of shoes can really complete the look of an outfit.
  3. When buying new clothing take out three items from your closet for every new item that is purchased. Why three you ask? Because if your closet is not organized, there are definitely three items that are good to go!

So, what are you waiting for? We all know how valuable free time is in today’s world. Free time is time when you are feeling NO STRESS and NO FRUSTRATION – only calmness & confidence!

The more organized your closet is the less stress you will feel. You won’t catch yourself getting frustrated because you can’t find anything in your closet, or because you simply can’t decide what top to wear with what bottom…and then what shoes and purse to match with it!

Organizing your closet can be fun and fulfilling. However, if after reading this article, you just don’t know where to start or it is too overwhelming and you would like some assistance, please contact Rowena here or call (604) 520-9550

Getting It Together is a Professional Organizing company serving Vancouver, Burnaby, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, the Tri-Cities, Langley, Maple Ridge and beyond. Get in touch today.

By |2025-02-11T20:50:19+00:00February 11th, 2025|Home Organization|0 Comments

What To Do With Your Old Greeting Cards


Do you love to save every greeting card you have ever received?

What plan do you have for them?

Do you have boxes of greeting cards that you have received?

Check out this short video on “What To Do With Your Old Greeting Cards  and then

read on to get the TOP 5 Getting It Together’s TIPS on What To Do With Your Old Greeting Cards.

Tip#1 Decide if you are an Ecard person or a paper card person. Pick one method and stick to it. Some people are NO card people. Maybe as a family they have decided to not send any cards. (You might decide to put the money you would spend on cards and donate it to a charity of your choice) Then there is the “send out card” company. They do all the work for you once you have given them all your details.

Tip#2: Purpose. What is the purpose of keeping a card? If you give someone a card do you expect them to keep it FOREVER? Probably not. Just like if someone gives you a card, they do not expect you to keep it forever. I heard of a lady who kept every card she had ever received. She thought she would re-read them all one day when she was in a care home. She wanted to remember all the kind things people had said to her. I visit an extended care home once a week, there is no room in those places for a lifetime supply of greeting cards.

Tip#3: Keep the very special ones. You decide that yes indeed you would like to keep the very special cards. After each Birthday, Anniversary, festive holiday season sit down with a cup of tea. Look over all your cards and select your 2-3 most precious ones. I put one or 2 of my most special greeting cards in random places in my “working” binder. When I open a page, I get a warm fuzzy feeling from the person who sent me the card.

Tip#4: Store them properly. Once you have narrowed down your cards, store them in a plastic shoe box.  It would be fair to have one box per person in the household. If the box is overflowing, it is time to revisit the cards and purge some. This is not the time to buy a bigger box. J

Tip#5: Recycle, repurpose. Please be sure to recycle all greeting cards you are not keeping or repurpose them. One way is to turn your old greeting cards into gift tags. Cut out part of the pretty picture, punch a hole in the upper corner and put a ribbon through it. Check in with your local school or senior center to see if they would like cards for craft projects. I knew one lady who could take a greeting card and turn it into a box. She then put small candies or a piece of jewelry in it and gave them away.

PS: This picture is of the system I use to store new greeting cards. This box has dividers in it for all of the special occasions. Once I buy my cards, I simply file them under the appropriate occasion. I also use my perpetual calendar

Getting It Together is a Professional Organizing company serving Vancouver, Burnaby, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, the Tri-Cities, Langley, Maple Ridge and beyond. Get in touch today.

By |2024-08-15T20:32:18+00:00August 10th, 2024|Home Organization, Organization Tips|0 Comments

Top Three Common Mistakes Noted by Professional Organizers

Do you feel like you are the only one who is disorganized?

Is your clutter causing you stress?

Would you like to downsize?

Check out this short video on the Top Three Common Mistakes Noted by Professional Organizers at almost every home. And then read on for more tips.

Mistake #1: Waiting until you can devote an entire weekend to decluttering. Clutter didn’t happen overnight; therefore, it is not going to get cleared overnight and certainly not in one weekend.

It is better to break your decluttering project down into bite size pieces. Start with 15 minutes a day. I call this “15 minutes to freedom”. You will find several tips on my site at

Why not start by clearing out all the recycling. That is all the bottles, papers, cans, glass, Styrofoam etc.

That is easily a 15-minute task. Staying focused is the key.

If you have a challenge staying focused, then best to hire me. 🙂

Mistake #2: Relying on a storage unit or the extra space you have in your home. Keeping unwanted things in storage is “deferred decision making”.  And just because you have space in your cupboards or closets doesn’t mean you have to fill it.

Keep only what you use, love and need. Pass the rest on with love.

Mistake #3: Keeping partially used beauty products even though you don’t like them and therefore don’t use them. People keep these items and many more because they paid for them and it feels like it’s a waste if they get rid of them. Storing them is not going to bring the money back into your account. Look at it as a “purchasing mistake”. We all do it and have done it. Pass those beauty products on to your local women’s shelter.

Getting It Together is a Professional Organizing company serving Vancouver, Burnaby, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, the Tri-Cities, Langley, Maple Ridge and beyond.  Get in touch so we can discuss how I can help you with your renovation today!

Rowena List, Professional Organizer

How would you like a 15-minute free over-the-phone discovery session?
Contact Rowena at 604-520-9550 to book yours
or go to

By |2024-07-09T19:10:13+00:00June 26th, 2024|Home Organization, Organization Tips|0 Comments

Three Easy Steps To Getting Your Closet Organized

Less Stress, Frustration and…Dust

Is your closet a nicely organized one or is it one that looks like it has been hit by a tornado?

Every time you go into your closet do you look at the clothes and find yourself saying: “I have to get rid of these, I never wear them”, “It’s been so long since I wore this, maybe tomorrow or “I know I’ll fit into this next summer after I lose weight”.

Do you find yourself having a hard time choosing what to wear?

Are you having trouble finding items in your closet, or worse finding room for all your clothes?

With an organized closet you always find what you want right away – everything flows smoothly and quickly!

A disorganized closet can store a lot more than clothes and shoes. Stress, frustration, anger and a loss-of-patience can also be hiding in there. And don’t forget the dust!

Check out this short video on Getting Your Closet Organized

and then read on for the….

Top 3 Easy Steps on How To Get Your Closet Organized

Step 1

Would you agree that we generally wear our newest clothes; the clothes that fit us comfortably and the outfits we feel good in? In a disorganized closet, these clothes usually only add up to about 20% of our wardrobe! So why are you keeping the rest? For those “when I lose weight” or “I know I’ll wear it someday” excuses?

A simple way to clear your closet clutter is to first ask yourself:

1.”Would I buy it again?”

2.”Have I worn it in the past year?”

3.”Does it fit?”

4. “Do I feel fabulous in it?”

Any clothing item that received a “No” answer has got to go!

Step 2

Take it out of your closet and pass it on, with love, to a charity, to a friend or even take it to a consignment store and have it sold for you.

*** Eveningwear and/or special-occasion outfits are the only exception to the “one-year” rule.

Step 3

For the items you are keeping:

  • Ensure that outfits can be coordinated with as little effort as possible. Try to make sure that most of the items remaining in your closet can be paired with at least three other items.
  • Separate your wardrobe into tops, bottoms and jackets so that you can quickly and effortlessly mix and match the items to make a variety of fabulous outfits. If you choose to organize your clothes in this fashion, your closet will appear clean, tidy and full – but not overstuffed! Just imagine how fast and easy getting dressed will be?

Together Tips

  1. Use the same style of hangers throughout your closet and have them facing in the same direction. You’d be surprised at the difference this makes!
  2. What about purses, belts and shoes? How many black bags and black strappy heels does a girl need? That depends on your lifestyle. Just make sure that all handbags, purses, belts and shoes that you keep are in good shape, are comfortable and are in style. A good quality handbag and a pair of shoes can really complete the look of an outfit.
  3. When buying new clothing take out three items from your closet for every new item that is purchased. Why three you ask? Because if your closet is not organized, there are definitely three items that are good to go!

So, what are you waiting for? We all know how valuable free time is in today’s world. Free time is time when you are feeling NO STRESS and NO FRUSTRATION – only calmness & confidence!

The more organized your closet is the less stress you will feel. You won’t catch yourself getting frustrated because you can’t find anything in your closet, or because you simply can’t decide what top to wear with what bottom…and then what shoes and purse to match with it!

Organizing your closet can be fun and fulfilling. However, if after reading this article, you just don’t know where to start or it is too overwhelming and you would like some assistance, please contact Rowena here or call (604) 520-9550

By |2024-04-29T16:39:49+00:00April 29th, 2024|Home Organization|2 Comments

Something New For You from Rowena List of Getting It Together: Home Renovations

Despite everything that is going on in the province of British Columbia and the world, I hope that each of you had an opportunity to enjoy your summer. And I trust that you are all safe.

I had the pleasure of being in Italy and Croatia before the heat dome. It was a fantastic trip. I’ve included a few photos.

Feel free to reach out to hear more.

For those of you that follow me on social media, you will have noticed an additional department to my company. We are now doing home renovations. It’s a very natural fit. As we are downsizing and clearing the clutter, it makes room for better systems, and an updated look to your current space.





I’ve teamed up with a professional contracting company. I assist with the design and functionality to maximize your space. Once the renovation is complete, I work with you to put your space back in order. It’s a whole lot of fun. I’ve included a couple of photos of our most recent jobs. To see more, please follow me on social media.

If you have any questions, or would like a quote, please reach out.

By |2023-09-27T19:45:44+00:00September 26th, 2023|Home Organization, Home Renovations, Organization Tips|0 Comments

How To Deal With Expired Prescriptions and Vitamins

Have you every wondered what to do with all of your outdated/expired vitamins and prescriptions?

Super easy.

Check out this short video on “How To Deal With Expired Prescriptions by: Getting It Together.

Now that was easy wasn’t it?

PS: It has been a long time since we talked or saw each other. Please set up a FREE discovery session to help you get your New Year on track.

By |2023-01-30T19:11:41+00:00January 30th, 2023|Home Organization, Self Care Organization|0 Comments

A Professional Organizers Junk Drawer

Rarely do I see a home that doesn’t have a junk drawer.

Why is this?

Because we have items, we don’t know what to do with or where to put them so we put them in the “junk drawer.”

Pens, paper, elastics, take out menus, batteries that need to be recycled, the list goes on and on.

If you follow these simple rules by Getting It Together, you can eliminate the junk drawer once and for all. Or at best you can have a very organized one.

Check out this short video on A Professional Organizers Junk Drawer, then read on for the Top 3 Tips.

Tip #1. Sort through all the things in the junk drawer and ask yourself “does this belong here?”, “do I really need to keep it?”

Tip #2. Have some dividers in your drawer if you need things like pen and paper in your kitchen.

My kitchen is small and very close to my office; therefore, I keep those items in my desk.

Tip #3. Every quarter clear out the junk drawer of all the items that have ended up there. It happens. Kids toss things in the junk drawer, maybe your housekeeper or spouse does, and maybe you are even guilty of tossing the spare packets of soy sauce in there.

Still needing help with this project?

Contact for your free over the phone 15-minute session.

By |2022-11-28T20:35:58+00:00November 28th, 2022|Home Organization, Organization Tips, Organizer|0 Comments

How To Create A Functional Spare Room

Is it time for a fresh start?

What a perfect opportunity to clear the clutter in that spare room which has become a dumping zone. Wouldn’t you agree?

Not sure where to put it. Dump it in the spare room.

Don’t have a proper storage system? Dump it in the spare room.

This will keep happening until you have a purpose and function for your spare room.

Would you like it to be a “play zone” for your kids?

Would you like space for your craft projects?

A reading area?

Or all three?

Decide on the functionality of the room and then create the systems.

Check out this video on How To Create A Functional Spare Room by Getting It Together.

Then get ready to purge all non-essential items.

Donate. Toss. Sell.

Then set up your systems for keeping yourself organized with the items you need, want and use.

Final step. Enjoy your new spare room.

To your success and safety, Rowena

PS: Are you feeling overwhelmed? Not sure where to start or how to stay focused?

Contact for a free over the phone session to jump start your project.

By |2022-02-15T19:54:11+00:00February 15th, 2022|Home Organization|0 Comments

How To Organize A Classroom & Home Office

There are people who homeschool their children by choice and then there are many of you who have been forced to homeschool your children over the past couple of years with all the school closures.

Either way, it is a big commitment to support and educate our children of the future.

Quite often when I’m out in nature I see young children. I suspect they are being homeschooled and getting their physical activity at the same time. Here we are at Alexander Falls just before Whistler BC. Aren’t they stunning?

Check out this podcast on How To Organize A Classroom & Home Office.

Thank You to Kristy Houle for having me on your podcast

Educational Outreach Coordinator and Podcast Host
(314) 807-3818

Stay safe and healthy.
To your success , Rowena

By |2022-01-18T18:03:04+00:00January 18th, 2022|Home Organization, Organization Tips|0 Comments

Found Money

What would you do with an extra $85,000.00?

What would you do with an extra $10,000.00?

Every time I declutter or downsize a client’s home, I find money.

It has been as little as two pennies and as much as thousands.

Check out this video on Found Money by: Getting It Together

No two jobs are the same. That is one of the things I love about my profession. Some jobs require me to sell items for my clients. Check out these hot items that went in a flash. It is so interesting to see what sells fast and what doesn’t. Found money for the clients.

For more pictures and videos follow me on social media.

And in the meantime, check out to book your free over the phone session.

By |2021-05-27T15:59:54+00:00May 27th, 2021|Home Organization, Organization Tips|0 Comments
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