Confessions Of A Professional Organizer: Part Three

The average home has over 350,000 things in it.

How many are in your home?

How many of the things are you really using?

Check out this short video on Confessions of a Professional Organizer: Part 3

I don’t know how many items are in my home. But I know that moving from Minimalism to Essentialism is liberating and empowering.

Minimalism is all about keeping the things around you that you use, need and love. If you take it one step further you go to essentialism. Essentialism is where you pick up the item and simply say “hell yes, I want this in my life.” If it is serving a purpose for you, then that’s all that matters.

For example; how many vases do you use, need and want?

Pick up a vase and ask yourself “is this a hell yes vase, I absolutely love it and I’d be sad if it broke?” If so, keep it. If not, then it is time to donate it.

Who do you know who would benefit from downsizing?

Please share the love by sharing this link with them and while you’re at it, please add to your social media.

PS: One of the top three New Years Resolutions is to get organized. What’s yours?  Share below
By |2020-12-15T23:16:12+00:00December 15th, 2020|Home Organization, Organizer|2 Comments

A Covid-19 Christmas – How Will You Make This Holiday Season Special?

Wouldn’t we all love it if we could have a “normal” Christmas?

Do you dream of having your family around you?

Do you dream of your traditions?

I do and I’m sure you do as well. Unfortunately this year 2020 will look different for all of us.

Check out this short video on “A Covid-19 Christmas” then read on for some fun ideas.

Rather than dwelling on all the things we can’t have or do, let’s take a look at some creative new ideas and traditions. This could be the perfect year to create a calm Christmas/Holiday Season. A stress-free Christmas. A debt free Christmas. This could be the perfect year to make colossal changes and step out of the box.

What could be some of these new traditions?

Sponsoring a family. We will all be spending a lot less on entertainment and gifts so possibly we could sponsor two or three families this year.

Could this be the year to focus on handmade gifts? To get creative and crafty.
Could this be the year to give the gift of time. This is the most precious gift that you can give people.

Could this be the season to get organized and set up lasting systems that work for you and the whole family?

What about doing zoom cook offs amongst family members. Who makes the best stuffing for an example or the best pies? It would all be in good fun.

This could be the season to get active. Instead of sitting around all day with your family, like the past, you could get active within your bubble. That might be snowshoeing, a walk around the seawall, hike, or shoveling snow for your neighbours.

Maybe Christmas this year could be spent away in a cabin with a good book and a cozy fire.

After all, this is the year of the big pause.

However you plan on spending your Holiday Season, I wish you and your family all the best of health and happiness.

PS: Needing help planning for your Holiday Season? Check out and get your free over the phone session.

By |2020-11-24T17:22:05+00:00November 24th, 2020|Home Organization, Organizer|0 Comments

Confessions Of A Professional Organizer: Part 2

Do you have items in your house that are weighing you down?

Do you have items that are decreasing your self-worth?

Everything in our home needs to spark some joy, happiness or have a purpose. Your toilet plunger for an example might not spark joy but it certainly would bring you happiness if and when you needed it most.

Check out this short video on Confessions of a Professional Organizer: part two

I have never owned a scale until recently when I brought one home from my mom’s place. I believe I have a love hate relationship with scales like most women. If the number on the scale is presumably good then that makes your day and you’re happy. If the number is not what you would like it to be then self-sabotage and disempowerment start to take over. This is not a good thing.

If you’re doing your very best to eat healthy, stay active and get plenty of rest you know you’ll be able to maintain a healthy weight for your body size and structure. If your pants are fitting comfortably you most likely know that you are within the range that you’d like to be in.

I vote for getting rid of the scale and keeping your self-worth positive and productive. What are your thoughts? Leave them in the comment box below.

Please share the love by sharing this link.

And check out

By |2020-10-26T23:32:08+00:00October 26th, 2020|Self Care Organization|2 Comments

Confessions Of A Professional Organizer: Part 1

Confessions Of A Professional Organizer: Part 1

Do you find it hard to believe that a professional organizer has anything to toss out?

Do you struggle with tossing things out?

Do you struggle with what to do with your photos?

Check out this short video on Confessions of a Professional Organizer then check out the following tips from Getting It Together:

Tip 1: It’s important to know your limit. I have one Rubbermaid container that holds all my photos/photo albums. If the lid doesn’t shut then it’s time to downsize some of the photos. This is what happened recently when I brought a photo album home from my mom’s place.

Tip 2: Like me, you might have pictures of people from your past that are no longer in your life. If you look at a picture and it brings you joy keep it. If you look at a picture and it doesn’t bring you joy then it’s time to toss it. Also keep in mind, how many pictures do you need to tell the story?

Are you wondering why I wouldn’t digitalize all my photos?

I enjoy holding the actual photo album or the pictures and flipping through them. I find that I hardly ever look at pictures that are on my computer. We have so much time on our computers that it’s important to step away from them. My photo albums help with that.

Of course, all the pictures that I take with my digital camera or phone are on my computer and I don’t print them. The photos that are in my Rubbermaid go back from pre-digital pictures. Maybe one day I might digitize them all.

What are your thoughts on that? Leave them in the comment box below.

Please share the love by sharing this link with your family and friends and also posting it on social media.

And check out

By |2020-09-22T20:11:37+00:00September 22nd, 2020|Home Organization, Organization Tips|12 Comments

Not Trusting May Be Causing You To Lose Out On Valuable Relationships

You may have noticed on my Facebook page (if you’re not connected please do so here) that I have been doing a lot of hiking during COVID-19. One of the key components when hiking with others is trust. If I didn’t trust the people I hiked with, I would miss out on lasting relationships that are grower deeper by the day.

How do you build trust?

Would you like to have more trust in the relationships that you’re in?

Are you finding relationships stressful during this world pandemic?

Listen to this short video on Not Trusting May Be Causing You To Lose Out On Valuable Relationships then read on for Getting It Togethers’ top 7 tips on building trust.


Boundaries: I find a lot of people have a challenge with the word boundaries. They feel it means shutting people out and putting up barriers. This is not true. Boundaries are about knowing what is right for you and what you are willing to put up with and not put up with. It’s about stating your boundaries so that those around you are clear. For example; my hiking buddies and I have boundaries around safety over speed. We are not in a race. We need to make sure that everyone in the group feels safe and secure about the hike. If we didn’t trust, we couldn’t go where we go.

Reliability: One of the most endearing qualities of any person is if they keep their word.
How often have you set up a time to meet with a friend and then they jam? This does not build trust in a relationship. I trust my hiking buddies will be where they say they will be and at the time they say which builds accountability.

Accountability: Building trust in a relationship means taking responsibility for your actions. Is there someone you need to apologize to? If so, make that a priority today. It’s not about being right, it’s about getting it right.

Vault: Trust is built when you know that a person is not going share what you have told them in confidence. It’s not worth it to risk a relationship by spreading unnecessary stories or gossip.

Integrity: Do you know people with integrity? I’m sure you do. And I’m sure you also know people without integrity. Choosing right over wrong can be challenging and uncomfortable but necessary. Don’t risk your own integrity by not adhering to your values. It’s not worth it in the long run.

Non-judgment: COVID-19 seems to have brought out the judgement in mankind. We need to trust those in positions of authority and we need to trust that we are all doing our very best. The last thing anyone needs right now, while struggling, is to be judged. We trust people that don’t judge us.

Generosity: Isn’t it wonderful when someone is generous with their compassion if we have screwed up? Let’s face it, in all relationships there will be times when we mess up. Hopefully it’s not something major where the trust has been broken. If so, you get to decide if the relationship is worth rebuilding or if it’s time to move on.

We have relationships that are for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. There can be a lot of grief when a relationship does not last. It’s important to feel that grief and extrapolate the lessons and good times from it. I can speak from a lot of experience.

P.S.: Is it time to reexamine some of your relationships? Is it time to start trusting yourself more?
Are you struggling with a particular relationship in your life right now? If so, please take advantage of the free over the phone discovery session. Book today at

By |2020-08-19T19:19:59+00:00August 19th, 2020|Self Care Organization|0 Comments

How To Organize Your Music?

Do you have more than one place to play music?

Are you keeping CD’s just in case? Just in case are the three deadliest words.

Would you like to streamline your music once and for all?

I did just that while we were in quarantine.

I personally have all my Cd’s downloaded on my computer which are also on my iPod.

I have a Google Home. And I have free music on my phone.

Way too much!!

All the cd’s went to donate.

The iPod is in the closet for travel and may find its way to donate before long as I can use my phone. What are your thoughts on that?

Check out this short video by Getting It Together on How To Organize Your music

And for fun, check out this short video from 10 years ago on How To Organize Your Cd’s

By |2020-07-21T19:14:08+00:00July 21st, 2020|Home Organization, Organization Tips|0 Comments

How To Organize While in Quarantine – Part 4

Are you wondering when life will get back to the way it was?

Are you trying to adjust to our new normal? I know I am.

I had a couple of areas in my condo that needed addressing. My school yearbooks. I’ve moved them three times over the years. Never again! They take up valuable real estate and I don’t look at them. What’s the point of keeping them?

Check out this short video on How To Organize a While in Quarantine part-4

And then let me know your thoughts by commenting below.

PS. If you need help organizing your home or have any questions for me, feel free to email me directly at



By |2020-07-06T19:08:13+00:00June 23rd, 2020|Home Organization, Organization Tips, Organizer|0 Comments

How To Organize In A Quarantine – Part 3

We have been in self-isolation/quarantine for three months now. For many of you, this has been a very long and hard road with not only trying to home school your children, work from home and prepare meals every single day.

Check out this short video by Getting It Together on How To Organize For A Quarantine Part 3. Then read on for the TOP 3 helpful tips.

Tip 1: Always cook in bulk. Even if you’re making a roast dinner, prepare extra vegetables and potentially turn the leftovers into a stew which can be frozen in single servings. IMG_6904

Tip 2: Have a menu plan for two weeks at a time. Rotate that menu plan for the first two weeks of every month followed by a different menu plan for the last two weeks of every month.

Tip 3: Keep things simple and healthy.

PS: Are you still finding it a challenge to cook? Check out my new services where I will come right to your kitchen and prepare healthy freezer meals for you and your family. Contact for rates and bookings. IMG_6902

PPS: Check out these two exciting podcasts where I was a guest on Heart Sells Podcast based in Germany.

And when you are done with all this insight, please check out

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By |2020-06-07T20:52:25+00:00May 25th, 2020|Home Organization, Self Care Organization|0 Comments

How To Organize In A Quarantine – Part 2

Check out this short video  on How To Organize In A Quarantine. Part 2 then read my talented Toastmasters friends Poem.

Staying at home, being quiet can bring out some of your talents and creativity. It sure did for this person, don’t you think?

Corona virus poem

As I sits here in self isolation away from my friends

I think of what I can do until the quarantine ends.

I look all around me there’s plenty to clean

I could scrub and disinfect until all is a gleam

Or I could go out to shop buy things that we need

But the shelves are all empty so unlikely to succeed.

Its funny how toilet paper is so popular these days

There must be some people using it in unimaginable ways.

People are staying at home and learning to cook

Using an internet recipe or an old recipe book

I look out of the window thinking what should I do

And that’s when I see sky in a beautiful blue hue


Outside is so sunny , so warm and so bright

I decide to go out and enjoy all the light.

I sit on the front porch in my adorondack chair

Looking out on the street I see something quite rare.

The neighbor is out with his kids all in tow

Other families are biking all in a row

There are joggers and skaters and kids towed in a cart

Of course they are all keeping 6 feet apart

Another neighbor I haven’t seen for some time

Walks by, gives a wave and hopes all is just fine.

There’s gardeners outside pulling up weeds

Others are mowing , pruning and planting some seeds.

One kid is up climbing so high up a tree

Reminds me of childhood. Oh I was so free.

The sidewalk and roadway has pictures of chalk

A man and his wife take their dog for a walk,



Its refreshing to see the neighborhood so alive

I guess Covid 19 brought everyone outside.


And that’s when I realize that in this odd Spring

Its teaching us to appreciate some simpler thing

Like being a good neighbor, family member and friend

We’re in this together until this pandemic’s end.


Written by AM of Coquitlam BC Canada

Permission to use was granted.


PS: We are 4-6 weeks in quarantine. Have you checked off several of your “To Dos”?

If not, why not take advantage of a FREE over the phone coaching call with Rowena.

Check out to book your time.


In the mean time subscribe to her Facebook and YouTube


By |2020-06-07T20:52:31+00:00April 27th, 2020|Home Organization|0 Comments

How To Organize For A Quarantine

From one minute to the next, things are changing and they are changing fast.

I think we are all sitting on pins and needles just waiting for the next bombshell to drop.

In the mean time, it is important to stay positive and carry on as best we can.

We are all going to be tested. Our patience, our attitude and our compassion to name a few.

What would you do if you were forced to quarantine or if it was suggested you self-quarantined?

Check out this video on How To Organize For A Quarantine

Before and after ideas for organizing:

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Let’s all stick together to make the most of this situation.

Kindness makes the world a better place.

If you are stuck at home and have always wanted your FREE over the phone discovery session, now’s the time to book it.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:31+00:00March 23rd, 2020|Self Care Organization|0 Comments
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