5 Simple Steps to Get Your New Year Organized: Stick with Those Resolutions!
Do you make resolutions each year?
How long do you stick with these new plans?
You can have New Year’s Resolutions and stick with them! In order to reach your specific goals it is vital to have an organized plan in mind. Did you know the number 2 resolution is to get more organized? I love it!
Below are 5 simple steps on how to get your New Year Organized and off to a fresh start. Make this New Year your best one yet.
Step #1: Schedule an appointment with yourself and set aside an hour one afternoon or evening. Go to a location that makes you feel inspired. This could be your own living room or maybe it is someplace near the ocean or even the library. Make sure it is quiet.
Get your favorite holiday beverage, nice pen and paper. I like doing this activity long before Jan 1st. That way I have time to digest the changes, dreams, and goals I am going to plan on.
Step #2: Begin by writing or drawing your thoughts and ideas. You do not have to be an artist. It can even be stick people.
Write and/or draw all the things in your mind that you would like to see for yourself. Dreams and goals you would like to see for your personal life, health, career, and spiritually. I like to use lots of colour as it inspires me, give it a try. Why not use a different colour for each area of your life?
Step #3: Put some dates next to each drawing or word that you have written down. For example, the number one New Year’s resolution is health, including weight loss, quitting smoking, or an exercise plan.
If this is on your sheet of paper put a date beside when you would like to lose that extra ten pounds (just make sure you are realistic with your goal date!). Focus on what you can have, not on what you cannot.
Step #4: Tell a friend or trusted resolution partner. One of the best ways to stay accountable is to have an accountability buddy. You can keep each other on track with your goals and resolutions.
You can help each other out with ideas and suggestions on how to reach your dreams, goals and resolutions. Make a list of what you have accomplished so far to date.
Step #5: Keep it simple. If you set too many resolutions at one time you may find it challenging to reach them all. Take one goal from your list and work on that one. Once you are in the new habit (exercising or stopped smoking, for example) then you can work on the next one from your list.
Your resolutions need to be yours, not what you think other people want for you. They need to be very specific. They need to be realistic to you and your lifestyle. Just because the person sitting beside you can run a marathon, does not mean you can or want to. You have to consider your own lifestyle, your body and your time commitment.
This summer I had set a goal (I do not always wait till Jan 1st to set all my goals, I set some during the year as well) to start training for a half marathon. I thought this would be a cool thing to do for my 50th Birthday in July. Well my body is saying no way, no how are you going to be a runner. The pain is not worth it. Time to set a new accomplishment for my 50th. I’ll keep you posted.
How would you like a FREE 30 minute coaching call on how to move forward with your dreams, goals and resolutions? We will discuss systems and strategies that will help you move forward. Please contact me and we will set up a phone date. www.gettingittogether.ca
Here’s to your success!
Favorite Sayings
“Are you consciously consuming or are you being consumed?”
Rules for getting organized by Rowena List Professional Organizer and Speaker
Have you ever wished for a set of rules that would help keep your family organized? Look no further.
This short video discribes 4 simple rules for getting organized and staying organized.
Why not print them out and put them on the fridge for the whole family tofollow. Once they start to follow these rules you might like to get my audio CD. This CD is loaded with tips, ideas and suggestions on “How to Get Organized and Stay Organizied”. Once you have signed up for my newsletter you can get it at 50% off. Now that is a deal!
If you like this video, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends. And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to gettingittogether.ca and get on the list. You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.
5 Simple Tips to Getting Great Family Photos
Will you be seeing most if not all of your family over the holidays?
Is it time to take a group shot?
Would you like the inside scoop on the perfect snapshot? Keep reading.
Every few years it is a nice idea to take a family portrait. I’ll bet you think of this great idea once everyone is sitting down to turkey dinner. But, by then it is too late to get everyone organized.
Check out these 5 simple tips from Getting It Together and make taking great family photos fun and memorable.
Tip #1: Send out the memo. Yes you heard me correctly; you’ll want to get an email out to all the people who will be in the family photo. In this email explain what you would like everyone to wear.
The best choices for clothing are neutral ones, nothing with a pattern, really bright, nor white. So for example you might have a few people wearing navy blue, a few in brown and the rest in taupe. This brings the eyes to all the different people and not at the tops they are wearing. If you are a casual family, ask that everyone wear casual bottoms like blue jeans or cotton pants. If you are a more dressy family, ask everyone to wear black pants and/or skirts.
Tip #2: Hair. Best if everyone wears their hair the way they normally do. For example, you would not go get a fancy updo if you normally wear your hair down or in a pony tail.
Be as natural as possible; just make sure to give it a good brush and little fluffing up. I recommend brushing the kid’s hair seconds before you take the picture.
Tip #3: Make-up. Stay away from anything shiny. The sparkly or shiny makeup casts a glare on the camera lens and then shoots light back. It will appear in the print like you have lights on your face. Keep your makeup “flat”. You might want to hire a professional makeup artist to do everyone’s makeup. This is a fun treat for the ladies.
The number one key is to make sure you have concealer on under the eyes. Those darn dark circles tend to really show up in photos. Lipstick and mascara are also a must.
Tip #4: Setting. A nice backdrop in a natural setting is a must. You don’t want anything distracting in the background that will take away from everyone’s face. Good lighting is also key.
Have you ever seen a photo where it looks like a tree is growing out of the person head? Be mindful of the surrounding objects.
Tip #5: Smile. Be as natural as you can with your smile. Most of all, be sure to have fun with the family photo shoot. By having fun it will show on your faces.
Are you ready to take some great family photos?
With the holidays coming up, now is the perfect time. Contact me today for a 30-minute complimentary no-obligation phone consultation.
During the consultation we will discuss makeup application, price and availability.
For every 4 faces that you book for makeup application, I will do the 5th face for FREE. That is a savings of over $50.00!!
Here’s to your success!
How to Organize a Pantry by Rowena List, Professional Organizer and Speaker
Chiot’s Run Rowena List of Getting it Together shows you how to organize a pantry
Does your pantry look like a bomb went off in it?
Do you wish your pantry was user friendly?
Don’t know where to start with the question, How do I organize a pantry?
Watch this short video to get some of my top tips on how to “organize a pantry.”
The other day I was working on a clients pantry. It is interesting what I find shoved way back in pantries. Mostly it is old dried food items and expired cans and jars. One time I found a can of applesauce that had exploded! What is hiding in your pantry? Please leave your story or comments in the box below.
Would you like some help to organize a pantry?
Contact me today and we can book a hands on organizing session. You’ll love the way your pantry looks and how organized it will be.
In the mean time If you like this video, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends. And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to gettingittogether.ca and get on the list. You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.
How to organize under the kitchen sink by Rowena List, Professional Organizer and Speaker
What have you got under the kitchen sink?
How long has it been there?
When was the last time you organized under the kitchen sink?
This short video will give you some of my top tips on “how to organize under the kitchen sink”
Once you have watched it you may want to get the cool organizing trays that I have under the kitchen sink.
If so, please contact me and I’ll give you the nearest store in your area. image via Dorli Photography
If you like this video about what’s under the kitchen sink, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends. And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to gettingittogether.ca and get on the list. You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.
Top 5 tips to getting and staying organized
Do you wish you were more organized?
Do you wish you could get organized on your own?
Have you ever wondered why you cannot get organized on your own?
Well some people have the natural talent of getting and staying organized and some people do not have that natural talent.
The great news is that you can learn the skills it takes to get and stay organized. It might mean working with a professional organizer for a period of time. Below I am going to share with you the top 5 tips to getting and staying organized.
What area of your home is bugging you the most? Start with this area to de-clutter, purge and sort. Take 15 minutes and use these tips below to finally get organized and keep it that way!
Tip #1: Purpose. Pick up one item and ask yourself this question ”what is the purpose of keeping this?” If it is a teapot and you make and drink tea everyday then you know the purpose of keeping it.
If for example it is a T-shirt from high school all torn and the wrong size then what is the purpose of keeping it? I know what you are saying “well I loved high school, I had so much fun in high school…” Keep the memory and toss the T. (Take a photo of you wearing the T- shirt if you really must).
Tip #2: Value. What is the value of keeping that particular item? Storage lockers are one of the fastest growing businesses in North America.
Do you have items in a storage locker?
Are the items taking on any value by being in there? Most people do not even know what is in their lockers. Yet they continue to pay the monthly bill.
Maybe it is time to sort through these items and ask yourself “what is the purpose and value of keeping them.” Once your locker is empty you could put that extra money towards a trip or home renovations.
Tip #3: Ruthless. It is so important to be ruthless while clearing the clutter and getting organized.
This is where lots of people get stuck, because everything you touch has a story attached to it. You have emotional attachment to your things. As a Professional Organizer I do not have the same attachment to your things. I have an attachment to the outcome. This is why I can support you in moving forward.
I know how much better you will feel once your home is organized. I know how much more time you will have. You’ll have less stress too!
Tip #4: Stop. This is where a new habit will be formed. You will need to stop bringing items into your home. Don’t buy items unless you really need them. Don’t buy because it is on sale. Or because you think you might need it “one day”.
Ask family and friends to please stop buying you things unless it is something you really need and will use. The best gifts are consumable. Fancy teas, coffee, candles, spa packages, dinner gift certificates and so on. I made a deal with all of my friends and family members. We create memories together instead of buying things. It sure makes the Holiday season a lot less stressful.
Tip #5: Faith. Have faith in yourself. Have faith knowing that the things you need will always be around you when you need them. Have faith that if you pass something on you will not need it “someday”. Someday is not a day of the week.
It is so disempowering to think that you might need it, “what if I need it, maybe I will need it.” When you are clear on your future direction you will not want to live in the past.
Getting and staying organized takes time. The first time you start you might not be as ruthless as the second and third time. Remember, it took many years to get disorganized. It will not get organized overnight. It is like peeling back the layers of an onion. Each time you de-clutter you peel back another layer.
Please let me know how these tips worked for you below!
Crawl Spaces part 2 by Rowena List Professional Organizer and Speaker
Do you have a crawl space?
What is in it? When was the last time you took something out of your crawl space? Come on be honest!
Check out this short video on crawl spaces………….you will see that I am not a crawl space kind of gal.
Has your crawl space turned into public storage for your friends and family?
I highly discourage this.
Most people keep things in their crawl space for so many years that in the end they do not even know what is in their crawl spaces.
I do not want you to be one of those people.
Please let me support you in moving forward with organizing and clearing out your “crawl spaces.” Contact me today for a FREE 30 minute phone consultation.
Do you have a great crawl space story?
Leave it in the comment box below.
In the mean time if you like this video, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends. And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to gettingittogether.ca and get on the list. You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.