Three Easy Steps To Getting Your Closet Organized

Less Stress, Frustration and…Dust

Is your closet a nicely organized one or is it one that looks like it has been hit by a tornado?

Every time you go into your closet do you look at the clothes and find yourself saying: “I have to get rid of these, I never wear them”, “It’s been so long since I wore this, maybe tomorrow or “I know I’ll fit into this next summer after I lose weight”.

Do you find yourself having a hard time choosing what to wear?

Are you having trouble finding items in your closet, or worse finding room for all your clothes?

With an organized closet you always find what you want right away – everything flows smoothly and quickly!

A disorganized closet can store a lot more than clothes and shoes. Stress, frustration, anger and a loss-of-patience can also be hiding in there. And don’t forget the dust!

Check out this short video on Getting Your Closet Organized

and then read on for the….

Top 3 Easy Steps on How To Get Your Closet Organized

Step 1

Would you agree that we generally wear our newest clothes; the clothes that fit us comfortably and the outfits we feel good in? In a disorganized closet, these clothes usually only add up to about 20% of our wardrobe! So why are you keeping the rest? For those “when I lose weight” or “I know I’ll wear it someday” excuses?

A simple way to clear your closet clutter is to first ask yourself:

1.”Would I buy it again?”

2.”Have I worn it in the past year?”

3.”Does it fit?”

4. “Do I feel fabulous in it?”

Any clothing item that received a “No” answer has got to go!

Step 2

Take it out of your closet and pass it on, with love, to a charity, to a friend or even take it to a consignment store and have it sold for you.

*** Eveningwear and/or special-occasion outfits are the only exception to the “one-year” rule.

Step 3

For the items you are keeping:

  • Ensure that outfits can be coordinated with as little effort as possible. Try to make sure that most of the items remaining in your closet can be paired with at least three other items.
  • Separate your wardrobe into tops, bottoms and jackets so that you can quickly and effortlessly mix and match the items to make a variety of fabulous outfits. If you choose to organize your clothes in this fashion, your closet will appear clean, tidy and full – but not overstuffed! Just imagine how fast and easy getting dressed will be?

Together Tips

  1. Use the same style of hangers throughout your closet and have them facing in the same direction. You’d be surprised at the difference this makes!
  2. What about purses, belts and shoes? How many black bags and black strappy heels does a girl need? That depends on your lifestyle. Just make sure that all handbags, purses, belts and shoes that you keep are in good shape, are comfortable and are in style. A good quality handbag and a pair of shoes can really complete the look of an outfit.
  3. When buying new clothing take out three items from your closet for every new item that is purchased. Why three you ask? Because if your closet is not organized, there are definitely three items that are good to go!

So, what are you waiting for? We all know how valuable free time is in today’s world. Free time is time when you are feeling NO STRESS and NO FRUSTRATION – only calmness & confidence!

The more organized your closet is the less stress you will feel. You won’t catch yourself getting frustrated because you can’t find anything in your closet, or because you simply can’t decide what top to wear with what bottom…and then what shoes and purse to match with it!

Organizing your closet can be fun and fulfilling. However, if after reading this article, you just don’t know where to start or it is too overwhelming and you would like some assistance, please contact Rowena here or call (604) 520-9550

By |2024-04-29T16:39:49+00:00April 29th, 2024|Home Organization|2 Comments

CHAOS – Can’t Have Anyone Over Syndrome

As we reflect on our year, what is a highlight for you?

For me, most definitely the hiking trip I took to Zion and Bryce in Utah . I was blown away by the scenery and the vastness of that State.

If you are a hiker or enjoy sightseeing, I’d highly recommend this trip.

Check out this short video on CHAOS by Getting It Together then read on for more top tips.

Why get organized?

Time. Money. Health. Relationships. Stress.

What are some common organizing barriers?

  • Not knowing what to do with the stuff you don’t want.
  • Not staying focused.
  • Not creating good habits.
  • Overthinking.

The three deadliest words. Just in case.”

Where to begin?

  • The area that is bugging you the most.
  • The area that is holding you back.

Keep in mind. There will usually be a storm before the calm. Things get worse before they get better.

It’s a process getting organized and a habit staying organized.

What to save?

  • Only items that you use, love and need.
  • Items you would replace if they were lost in a flood or a fire. Sentimental items if you have them displayed properly.

The key: be ruthless.

May you find peace, joy and happiness at this time of year and always.

Wishing you a very happy Holiday season and a Merry Christmas.

All the best for a clutter free 2024

P.S. If you are drowning in clutter and would like to downsize, please reach out


Rowena 604-520-9550

By |2023-12-18T19:03:03+00:00December 18th, 2023|Organization Tips|0 Comments

Something New For You from Rowena List of Getting It Together: Home Renovations

Despite everything that is going on in the province of British Columbia and the world, I hope that each of you had an opportunity to enjoy your summer. And I trust that you are all safe.

I had the pleasure of being in Italy and Croatia before the heat dome. It was a fantastic trip. I’ve included a few photos.

Feel free to reach out to hear more.

For those of you that follow me on social media, you will have noticed an additional department to my company. We are now doing home renovations. It’s a very natural fit. As we are downsizing and clearing the clutter, it makes room for better systems, and an updated look to your current space.





I’ve teamed up with a professional contracting company. I assist with the design and functionality to maximize your space. Once the renovation is complete, I work with you to put your space back in order. It’s a whole lot of fun. I’ve included a couple of photos of our most recent jobs. To see more, please follow me on social media.

If you have any questions, or would like a quote, please reach out.

By |2023-09-27T19:45:44+00:00September 26th, 2023|Home Organization, Home Renovations, Organization Tips|0 Comments

How To Deal With Outdated Prescription Eyewear

Do you have an Elton John collection of eye glasses?

Have you got eye glasses all over the house?

Most homes I work on have several pairs of outdated glasses. The owners think they might reuse the frames one day or might wear them if their current pair breaks. Is that you?

That’s great except you won’t be able to see with them if the prescription is old so why not donate them?

Watch this very quick video on

How To Deal With Outdated Prescription Eyewear

Then package all your old pairs and get them to your local optical store.

Now that was easy!!


PS: Time for your discovery session yet?

Contact to book yours now.

By |2023-04-25T16:43:28+00:00April 25th, 2023|Self Care Organization|0 Comments

How To Deal With Expired Prescriptions and Vitamins

Have you every wondered what to do with all of your outdated/expired vitamins and prescriptions?

Super easy.

Check out this short video on “How To Deal With Expired Prescriptions by: Getting It Together.

Now that was easy wasn’t it?

PS: It has been a long time since we talked or saw each other. Please set up a FREE discovery session to help you get your New Year on track.

By |2023-01-30T19:11:41+00:00January 30th, 2023|Home Organization, Self Care Organization|0 Comments

A Professional Organizers Junk Drawer

Rarely do I see a home that doesn’t have a junk drawer.

Why is this?

Because we have items, we don’t know what to do with or where to put them so we put them in the “junk drawer.”

Pens, paper, elastics, take out menus, batteries that need to be recycled, the list goes on and on.

If you follow these simple rules by Getting It Together, you can eliminate the junk drawer once and for all. Or at best you can have a very organized one.

Check out this short video on A Professional Organizers Junk Drawer, then read on for the Top 3 Tips.

Tip #1. Sort through all the things in the junk drawer and ask yourself “does this belong here?”, “do I really need to keep it?”

Tip #2. Have some dividers in your drawer if you need things like pen and paper in your kitchen.

My kitchen is small and very close to my office; therefore, I keep those items in my desk.

Tip #3. Every quarter clear out the junk drawer of all the items that have ended up there. It happens. Kids toss things in the junk drawer, maybe your housekeeper or spouse does, and maybe you are even guilty of tossing the spare packets of soy sauce in there.

Still needing help with this project?

Contact for your free over the phone 15-minute session.

By |2022-11-28T20:35:58+00:00November 28th, 2022|Home Organization, Organization Tips, Organizer|0 Comments

Time Management 101

What is the most important thing you can do today to make tomorrow better?

Examples: Make your lunch for tomorrow, prepare for tomorrow’s dinner while preparing for todays. Clear your desk off. Put away your clothes etc. etc.

Check out these Top Three Tips on Time Management 101 by Getting It Together:

Tip #1: Delegate. How many of you have a hard time delegating? How’s that working for you?

It’s time to release full control of everything wouldn’t you agree?

Delegate what you can and give yourself the gift of my time. Start by delegating housework. Delegate all of your travel needs to a trusted travel agent. I have the best if you don’t.

What else can you take off your “to-do” list?

Tip #2: Be mindful of what you are saying “yes” to. For every “yes”, there is a “no.”

For example: “Yes” to babysitting your grandkids full time means no time for you in your retirement, saying “yes” to every Zoom work meeting that’s not necessary for you to be on means less productive time at work, saying “yes” to every social event even if you are tired or need some “white space” means less freedom.

Tip #3:  Automate. Bill payments, auto delivery of pet food, and groceries. What else?

Most importantly, “If you don’t take the time, time will take you.”

PS: I value your opinion. How often would you like to see these newsletters?

Simply hit “reply” and leave your thoughts. Thank You.

By |2022-09-28T17:07:17+00:00September 26th, 2022|Time Management|7 Comments

How To Attend A Potluck by Professional Organizer Rowena List

Do you love potlucks? Most people do because of the variety of foods…….. unless you end up at an all dessert one and you’ve just come from a massive workout ready to eat your right arm.

Check out this short video by Rowena List of Getting It Together

Then read on for the Top 5 Tips on How To Attend A Potluck

Tip 1: Bring a substantial dish of food. Keep in mind there could be several people at this potluck and how nice to be able to leave leftovers for your Hostess.

Tip 2: Bring the appropriate serving utensils and make sure they have your name on them.

Tip 3: Be sure to take all your belongings home with you. The last thing your Hostess needs is extra serving dishes that she has know idea who they belong to. Go one step further and wash up all the dishes that don’t belong to your Hostess, that way all the guests can leave with clean bowls etc.

Tip 4: Try to bring something that doesn’t require going in the oven unless you have confirmed with your Hostess that hers works and will be on. I attended a potluck where many people brought things for the oven and it caused chaos in the kitchen.

Tip 5: Be mindful of bringing flowers unless you can take care of putting them in a vase for your Hostess. It’s one less thing she has to deal with.

Above all, have fun and be the best guest you can be.

PS: Keep in mind I do food prep and cooking for my clients now.

Contact for more details.

PPS: Do you find these tips helpful? If so, please share the love by sharing this link.

By |2022-05-30T19:51:20+00:00May 30th, 2022|Organization Tips|0 Comments

Decision Fatigue by Professional Organizer Rowena List

Did you know we wake up every day with a certain number of decision neurons in our brain?

Can you believe we make approximately 35,000 conscious decisions a day?

This applies to all decisions whether they are big or small. Important or not. Try to make major decisions first thing in the day.

Are you wasting these precious neurons on trying to decide what to wear, what to eat, where is my phone, where is that important document?

These simple decisions are robbing you of precious time, energy and the ability to make bigger decisions later in the day.

Causes of decision fatigue. Stress. Clutter. Overcommitted. Workload.

Signs of decision fatigue. Tired. Brain fog. Drained. Procrastination.

The number one way to combat decision fatigue. Clear the clutter.








Another way to combat decision fatigue is to stay focused.

A simple way to combat decision fatigue is to simplify meals.

Did you know we make about 226 decisions just on food each day? Keeping your meals simple and healthy are key.

Keeping clothing decision simple will also help with decision fatigue.

Check out this fact filled podcast with Kim Acedo and myself on Decision Fatigue

Kim Acedo, MS, CHWC
Midlife Women’s Wellness Coach
Transformation Wellness For Women
Website | LinkedIn | Facebook | Podcast

P.S. Are you still feeling overwhelmed and exhausted? Contact Rowena for a free 15-minute consultation.

By |2022-03-23T19:09:02+00:00March 23rd, 2022|Self Care Organization, Uncategorized|0 Comments

How To Create A Functional Spare Room

Is it time for a fresh start?

What a perfect opportunity to clear the clutter in that spare room which has become a dumping zone. Wouldn’t you agree?

Not sure where to put it. Dump it in the spare room.

Don’t have a proper storage system? Dump it in the spare room.

This will keep happening until you have a purpose and function for your spare room.

Would you like it to be a “play zone” for your kids?

Would you like space for your craft projects?

A reading area?

Or all three?

Decide on the functionality of the room and then create the systems.

Check out this video on How To Create A Functional Spare Room by Getting It Together.

Then get ready to purge all non-essential items.

Donate. Toss. Sell.

Then set up your systems for keeping yourself organized with the items you need, want and use.

Final step. Enjoy your new spare room.

To your success and safety, Rowena

PS: Are you feeling overwhelmed? Not sure where to start or how to stay focused?

Contact for a free over the phone session to jump start your project.

By |2022-02-15T19:54:11+00:00February 15th, 2022|Home Organization|0 Comments
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