How To Be More “Green” – Part Two
Hope you enjoyed all the tips from
Part One of How To Be More Green
. I’ll bet you are already applying some of the tips. The more I looked into this subject the more I realized there was a need for Part Two.
Please check out this short video on how to be more green and enjoy some more of Getting it Together’s Top Tips.
Have you found that the more environmentally friendly you become it is forcing you to become more organized?
Have you found that you are getting into some good habits?
Tip # 11: Clean all your produce at one shot. Fill your sink with lemon water. Wash all your fresh vegetables before putting them away in the fridge. Think of the water you will save. Think of how organized you will be by having healthy snacks ready to go.
Tip # 12: Hang your clothes as soon as you take them off. This will also save on washing them unnecessarily. It will save on electricity because you will not need to iron them. It will save on the longevity of your clothes as they will not be getting wrecked by being stepped on. Your bedroom will look neat and organized.
Tip # 13: Walking your kids to school. You need to be very organized in order to leave enough time to walk instead of drive but just think of how green you will be. Not to mention healthy.
Tip # 14: Car pool. Have to get your kids to soccer practice? Get a list of all the players and their emails. Plan in advance who will car pool and when. Your environment will love you for this one.
Tip #15: Pack a lunch. Taking your lunch to work will save on packaging, save on gas if your need to drive to get something to eat, and save on energy because someone else will not be doing the cooking. Not to mention it will save on your health.
Tip # 16: Buy consignment first. When at all possible buy children’s clothing, baby items such as strollers, furniture and household items at your local consignment store. This will save on packaging and the price. You will need to be a little more organized as you might not find what you are looking for right away. Give yourself some time to shop around.
Tip # 17: Reusable water bottles. Did you know the US consumes 1500 plastic water bottles every second? Did you know that out of every 50 billion water bottles 80% of them end up in the landfill? Please be organized and take your own water bottle with you even when you travel.
Tip # 18: Use reusable containers to store food. Instead of grabbing a plastic Ziploc bag please grab a reusable container to put your food items in. I have two or three that are the perfect size for my lunch bag. I put cut up veggies in one, cheese and crackers in the other and some nuts in the third one. Our landfill will love us for this one. Did you know it takes up to 50 years for a plastic bag to break down?
Tip # 19: Reusing paper. As mentioned in the video this is a green task we can all do. By being organized you can reuse paper in your printer, you can reuse paper for note pads and for any kid’s art projects. Each piece of paper has two sides. Let’s all work together to use both of them as much as we can.
Together we can all make a difference.