How To Be More “Green” – Part Two

Hope you enjoyed all the tips from

Part One of How To Be More Green

. I’ll bet you are already applying some of the tips. The more I looked into this subject the more I realized there was a need for Part Two.

Please check out this short video on how to be more green and enjoy some more of Getting it Together’s Top Tips.

Have you found that the more environmentally friendly you become it is forcing you to become more organized?

Have you found that you are getting into some good habits?

Tip # 11: Clean all your produce at one shot. Fill your sink with lemon water. Wash all your fresh vegetables before putting them away in the fridge. Think of the water you will save. Think of how organized you will be by having healthy snacks ready to go.

Tip # 12: Hang your clothes as soon as you take them off. This will also save on washing them unnecessarily. It will save on electricity because you will not need to iron them. It will save on the longevity of your clothes as they will not be getting wrecked by being stepped on. Your bedroom will look neat and organized.

Tip # 13: Walking your kids to school. You need to be very organized in order to leave enough time to walk instead of drive but just think of how green you will be. Not to mention healthy.

Tip # 14: Car pool. Have to get your kids to soccer practice? Get a list of all the players and their emails. Plan in advance who will car pool and when. Your environment will love you for this one.

Tip #15: Pack a lunch. Taking your lunch to work will save on packaging, save on gas if your need to drive to get something to eat, and save on energy because someone else will not be doing the cooking. Not to mention it will save on your health.

Tip # 16: Buy consignment first. When at all possible buy children’s clothing, baby items such as strollers, furniture and household items at your local consignment store. This will save on packaging and the price. You will need to be a little more organized as you might not find what you are looking for right away. Give yourself some time to shop around.

Tip # 17: Reusable water bottles. Did you know the US consumes 1500 plastic water bottles every second? Did you know that out of every 50 billion water bottles 80% of them end up in the landfill? Please be organized and take your own water bottle with you even when you travel.

Tip # 18: Use reusable containers to store food. Instead of grabbing a plastic Ziploc bag please grab a reusable container to put your food items in. I have two or three that are the perfect size for my lunch bag. I put cut up veggies in one, cheese and crackers in the other and some nuts in the third one. Our landfill will love us for this one. Did you know it takes up to 50 years for a plastic bag to break down?

Tip # 19: Reusing paper.  As mentioned in the video this is a green task we can all do. By being organized you can reuse paper in your printer, you can reuse paper for note pads and for any kid’s art projects. Each piece of paper has two sides. Let’s all work together to use both of them as much as we can.

Together we can all make a difference.

Clearing the Clutter in your Mental/Emotional House

clearing the clutter in your mental/emotional houseBillion dollar industries have sprung from our obsessive compulsion to hold onto stuff. New services such as Professional Organizing and U-Store It facilities are making big profits helping us deal with all the things we amass, but they’re doing nothing to help us eliminate the core cause of this behavior.

Brian Tracy, a leading personal empowerment expert says that our outer world is a reflection of our inner world. If our outer world is filled to overflowing with stuff, it’s reflecting the mental and emotional baggage we hold inside. Before we can effectively and permanently clear the clutter in our physical space, we need to clear the inner clutter.

Every negative thought or feeling we have about this stuff zaps our energy, lowers our self-esteem, erodes our self-confidence and leads to ineffectiveness. Let’s take a walk through our mental and emotional house and look for ways to clear this clutter.

The Living Room: Unfinished Business

These are all the commitments we’ve made and haven’t completed on. They could be related to you making a living, or personal in nature. Start by listing all your incompletes. Next decide which ones still offer some form of gain when completed. Now re-commit to completing these and begin scheduling time to chip away at them. The remaining items, the ones you feel have low or no value to you now, must be let go. Bless them for reminding you to be discerning with your  commitments and then burn the list. Affirm your freedom to choose what you will and will not do.

The Kitchen: Indecision

We might try to fool ourselves by saying these are ‘Food for Thought’, however, indecision in the mind is like indigestion in the body. It blocks up our flow and creates tremendous stress. Open all those junk drawers exposing the things you’ve been thinking about doing but haven’t taken action on. Turn your thoughts toward what you want to achieve and make a decision to act from where you are now. Are you afraid of making a mistake? Statistics say that roughly 80% of our daily decisions turn out to be not the best we could have made. Remind yourself of this and simply make a new decision knowing there is always something to be gained in every experience.

The Bathroom: Fear, Insecurity, Blame, Shame and Guilt

These are the thoughts and feelings that really stink and are creating grime and slime that’s hard to live with. Examine your thoughts and beliefs to discover the underlying cause of such feelings. What are you afraid of exposing? Where are you not being responsible for what shows up in your life? Whose moral code have you violated – yours or someone else’s? What do you need to do differently to release these offensive thoughts? Answering these questions will go a long way toward clearing away the scum that has you feeling low.

The Master Bedroom: Regrets and Withheld Apologies

How can you get a good night’s rest when thoughts of regrets or withheld apologies are stressing your mind? There is no peace, no rest. I’m reminded of the saying “You’ve made your bed now lie in it.” I’d like to change the last bit to read “now truth in it.” Tell yourself the truth. What has caused you to feel disappointed, to regret your actions or inactions? Do you want to make things right? If so, giving apologies are a great way to put clean sheets on the bed. Regretted inactions can be cleared, even if the people involved are no longer in your life. Choose someone else who could appreciate the gesture and take the action with them.

The Spare Room: Resentment and Grudges

These accumulate in the spare room because we’ve decided the relationship we’ve had with the person involved is dispensable, but we’re keeping them as spares. To clear these emotional energy blocks begin by forgiving yourself and the others. Love is For Giving and when we resent, the love is quite literally sent back; not received. Examine each grudge or resentment for any lessons that will serve going forward. Ask yourself what you’ve lost and/or gained from holding onto these. Are you willing to accept this person, or is it time to cut the ties, setting yourself and them free? I find it helps to write all my thoughts about these in a letter. If I want to recommit to the relationship, I communicate what I’ve written. If I do not, I burn the letter, allowing the Universe to set us both free.

The Workshop: Broken Promises

Go into the workshop to repair damage done by broken promises. These could be promises made to you or to others. Recall what motivated you to make the promise and what occurred that stopped you from keeping it. Are you willing to make amends and can you do it? What would the benefit of keeping this promise have given you or the other person? Is there still a way you can create this, or an equally valuable benefit now? If so, make a plan and do it. If not, offer an apology as soon as possible by communicating your feelings and the reasons behind them to the people involved – it’s never too late to ask for another chance. Again, remember to offer forgiveness and to express your gratitude for receiving forgiveness when you get it.

Doing the work of clearing the clutter in your mental/emotional house will bring you an amazing sense of freedom, power and grace.

You will begin feeling  light, happy, calm and confident. All efforts build your self esteem and create an aura of attractive energy for you that will be felt by others in your presence. Not only will your physical space be more naturally cleaned up, you may even find you’ll shed extra body weight as well as chronic health conditions or pain.

Your Clearing Toolbox:

There are many more tools and techniques you can use to make this work a little easier. Consider having your physical space cleared of energetic toxic waste left
over from conflicts, accidents, illnesses and injuries. Take sea salt baths regularly. Meditate either silently or with music designed to help you release any of the stagnant, heavy or dark energy within you. Keep a journal of you daily thoughts, feelings, awareness’s & celebrations.

Energy healing sessions are a great way to help you feel grounded, relaxed and confident while you do the decluttering. Ask for help and expect to receive it.
This is great work you’re doing and I would love to help you clean up the mess you’re in. Please do not hesitate to call me if you feel I could be of service to you, or someone you know.

Love blessings to you, Debra Taylor – Transformation Coach, Drum Reiki Master

By |2020-06-07T20:52:44+00:00April 29th, 2013|Uncategorized|2 Comments

How To Be More “Green” – Part One

Do you wish you had a lower environmental impact (LEI)? This is the new word for being more green.

Do you feel if you were more organized you might in fact be more green?

What is the first thing that comes to your mind?

please watch this short video on how to be more green

Did you think of the most popular “going green” tactic?

Follow these simple Top Ten Tips on

how to be more green

by being more organized.

Tip #1 Cut out buying packaged foods. Think of how much less garbage you will have. Buying whole fresh foods is better for you and better for the environment. You will need to be more organized as whole fresh foods take a little longer to prepare.

Tip #2 Do full loads of laundry. You will save so much more water and less soap will be going into our environment. Have set laundry days. No more washing just the hockey uniform for tomorrow’s game.

Tip #3 Have all your errands planned and routed out. Think of how much gas and time you will save. This makes you SUPER green.

Tip #4 Be green by doing light coloured hand laundry first in a big bowl of water. Then wash your darks before tossing the water and doing a rinse. Hanging clothing items to dry also saves on our environment. You need to be organized and plan in advance if you need that specialty piece of clothing for a certain day.

Tip #5 Get the whole family hanging out in one room, reading, working on their computers, doing homework or watching TV. You will be so green because every light in the house will not be on. Turn lights off as you exit a room.

Tip #6 Use your oven for multiply cooking. For example if you are going to roast a beef for dinner use that oven energy to roast potatoes. Follow up with baking cookies, muffins or a quick bread. This saves on having the oven on one night for dinner and another night for baking.

Tip #7 Cooking in bulk saves on electricity. Not to mention your own energy. Be organized by planning ahead.

Tip #8 Hang your towels after each use. This way you can use them again. If they sit on the floor they usually end up in the laundry hamper. Get your whole family doing this tip. You will save on laundry, water, and the environment.

Tip #9 Take your own cloth bags grocery shopping. Once you have unpacked your groceries put your cloth bags right by the door. They will be ready to go back in your car. Be green and organized by taking your cloth bags even if you are going to the mall.

Tip #10 Use your own coffee cup. You can save a lot of paper cups just by simply bringing your own “to go” mug to a coffee shop, work or an event where you know they will have paper cups.

Do you have any other great “green” tips? Please share them below.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:44+00:00April 15th, 2013|Home Organization, Organizer|10 Comments

How to Save Magazine Articles

how to save magazine articlesAre you the type of person who loves to save magazine articles?

Do you save the whole magazine or do you tear out the pages?

Do you have piles and piles of torn out articles?

What do you do with all of those torn out pages?

Do you ever reference the torn out pages?

These are the types of questions I get asked at almost every speaking engagement I do.

Check out this short video and hear my take on how to save magazine articles


If you like this video on how to save magazine articles, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends.


After watching the video are you still planning on saving magazine articles?

If so you will want a system.

Set up files:

  • Health
  • Recipes
  • Decorating Ideas
  • Personal Growth
  • Travel
  • Whatever the topics are you want to save.

While reading a magazine simple tear the pages out that you would like to save and file right away. That is the key right there. You must do it right away or else you will end up with piles and piles of torn out articles. They will collect dust and you will NEVER look at them again.

I suggest putting a date on the files. If you have not read or reference the information in that  file by a certain date (say 6 months) then toss it.

Have you found that the same information gets recycled year after year? It might have a slightly different twist to it but generally it is the same ideas and tips. This is another reason why I do not save articles.

Or take my advice in the video.

What do you think will work best for you?

Please leave your comments in the box below. I would love to hear from you.

Have you had your FREE session yet? Why not book it today. We will discuss your specific needs. For all the details, click here.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:44+00:00April 1st, 2013|Home Organization, Organizer, Recipes|2 Comments

The Benefits of Hiring a Professional Organizer

Have you ever thought about the benefits of hiring a professional organizer?

How many times have you said to yourself “why can I not do this on my own?”

Many clients comment on reduced stress, more time, more energy and more freedom once they have worked with me.

So I thought I would share even more of the benefits of hiring a professional organizer.

Please be sure to take a moment to watch this short video on what are the benefits of hiring a professional organizer.

The benefits of working with me a professional organizer is that I will keep you focused to task.

I will be on time.

I will develop a plan of action for you and your space. If you require a handyman, contractor for renovationss, painter, rubbish removal, disposing of stuff or a piano moved I will provide the people. My endless supply of resources has proven to be priceless. So my clients say.

A huge benefit of working with a professional organizer is being ruthless.

I have a few key questions I ask you as we are sorting, purging and tossing. This makes the decisions a little easier for you. Shall you keep it, toss it, store it, sell it or set up a system for it?

Many clients feel like a weight has been lifted off their shoulders once they start decluttering.

If you would like to hear more benefits of hiring a professional organizer then please take advantage of my FREE session. Simply click HERE.

We will discuss your needs, your questions and how I can be of service to you.

If you like this video, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends.  And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, enter your name and email address to the right and get on the list.  You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.

Professionals Working Together: Organizers and Junk Haulers

professionals working together

professionals working togetherAs the world’s largest junk removal company, 1-800-GOT-JUNK? sees a lot of messy spaces. On a daily basis, our teams are helping people regain their space; whether it’s a single couch, leftover yard sale items, old attic junk, or an estate clean-out. Some of our clients simply have too much stuff they don’t need, we haul it away, and they’re happy. Others have junk, but also a great deal of useful items they do need that are cluttering up their living spaces. This is when we seek out the help of professional organizers.

Junk haulers are the experts when it comes to getting the junk out of peoples’ homes, but for people dealing with keeping household clutter in check or chronic disorganization, we call for the expertise of professional organizers. By eliminating unnecessary objects from the home, we set the stage for organizers to come in and help you to better manage and organize the items that you are keeping. It’s the perfect partnership of

professionals working together

The professional organizers we work with have told us they rely on our junk removal service to provide a seamless addition to the service they provide for their clients. When their job is done, we come along and haul away unwanted items. It’s imperative that they can trust the junk hauler to ensure the items their clients are letting go of are responsibly recycled and donated to charity when possible.

At 1-800-GOT-JUNK? we have an average system-wide diversion rate of 61%, which means that we’re doing everything we can to help you feel good about getting rid of your excess clutter. Our truck teams are often asked who their most valuable industry resources are; many say that working with organizers is great because they often go to homes that need serious organization prior to receiving our service. It makes our job easier!

We’ve had many years of success working with professional organizers, both on a local and a national scale, including the ongoing popular A&E docudrama, Hoarders. Due to our strong relationships within the community, we often attend organizing events and award ceremonies to proudly support our friends in the industry.

Any time you or your friends and family are looking to keep clutter under control, find a new home for the unwanted items in your home, or have junk that just needs to be hauled away, when you call a professional organizer, chances are there’s a trusted junk hauler in tandem, and vice versa.

1-800-GOT-JUNK? is a full-service junk removal company whose friendly, uniformed drivers have set a new standard for professional junk hauling and great customer service. The company hauls away items that city garbage collectors do not typically accept, such as old furniture, renovation debris, and backyard mess. 1-800-GOT-JUNK? provides junk removal service for residences, businesses, commercial sites, and government offices. With locations in most major metros, 1-800-GOT-JUNK? can respond to large-scale clear-outs. Whenever possible, items are recycled or donated to charity.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:44+00:00March 2nd, 2013|Home Organization, Organizer, Organizing to Move|0 Comments

Decluttering tips: when you have made a purchasing mistake

Purchasing mistakes. We are all guilty of it, even as a professional organizer.

Do you have any clothing items in your closet that you bought but have not worn?

Do you have any kitchen gadgets that you thought for sure you would use?

You look at something in the store and start to think: “do I have that item? do I need that item? what would my life be like if I had that item?” Or you simply look at the item and buy it.  No thoughts.  This is where a purchasing mistake could happen.

Has this happened to you? Please leave your best purchasing mistake story in the comment box below.

Now take a quick minute to watch this video on

decluttering tips


when you have made a purchasing mistake.

The deal is to be ruthless. Just because you bought it does not mean you have to keep it.

The challenge comes in when you start to think about the money that you spent on the item. Keeping the purchasing mistake does not bring the money back. Everyone wants to get their money’s worth. By not using the purchasing mistake you are not getting your money’s worth. This is where we all fall short. We will NEVER get our money’s worth from a purchasing mistake.

How many items do we really get our money’s worth from anyway?

Think about a wedding dress. They are usually very expensive. You wear it for a few hours and then it hangs in the closet for years.  If you are happily married I would say you got your money’s worth. Or what about those beautiful high heels that kill your feet after ten minutes? We have all been there.

Decluttering tipsA TV on the other hand might give you a really good rate of return or your computer for example.

Chalk it up to experience. Next time you would like to buy something ask yourself these very important questions.

  • Do I need it?
  • Will I use it?
  • Am I buying only because of price? This is never a good reason.

Do not be hard on yourself. We are human and we all make mistakes. The best news is we can learn from them.

Why not take 15 minutes and go through your coat closet. See if there are any purchasing mistakes in there. Do yourself a favour and donate them to the less fortunate. YOU will feel lighter and freer.

Now do the same with your kitchen gadget cupboard. Things like the pasta maker that never got out of the box. Pass it on with love.

Are you feeling like you need a little support?

Check out my new FREE session HERE.

If you like this video on

decluttering tips

, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends.  And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, enter your email address and your name to the right and you’ll get instant access to a free eBook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:44+00:00February 18th, 2013|Home Organization, Organizer|0 Comments

Best Ever Antipasta Recipe

Best ever Antipasta Recipe

2 L dill pickles

1 L Sweet mixed pickles

1 Small jar sliced green olives

1 Small jar of pickled onions

2 Tins sliced black olives

2 Tins Yellow wax beans

2 Tins Green wax beans

2 Tins Sliced mushrooms

2 Tins Young cut corn

2 Tins Sliced water chestnuts

4 Tins tuna (drained)

2 L ketchup

24 oz Tomato paste

1 cup White vinegar

4 cups oil

14 Mixed fresh peppers

2 Large cauliflower 

8 jalapeño (seeded)

8 large onions

Chop all vegetables into small bite size pieces. Drain and rinse all canned goods.

Heat oil and vinegar. Add chopped onions and chopped Cauliflower. Boil 10 to 15 minutes.

Add rest of ingredients. Cook 15 to 20 minutes.

At 10 teaspoons salt and four handfuls of pine nuts.

Jar and seal. Put sealed jars in water bath for 20 minutes.

Make sure all jars are sealed before storing.


best ever antipasta recipe

makes 14 medium jars eight small jars and 23 really small jars

Enjoy on crackers.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:44+00:00February 4th, 2013|Recipes|2 Comments

Productivity Tips-Get The Most From Your Mobile Phone

Do you have a love-hate relationship with your smart phone?

Do you use it for your convenience or do you let it run your life?

Why not check out this short video on

productivity tips

and see if you can get a handle on your time and your mobile phone.

We have rules for so many things in our lives, why not have rules around our mobile phone?

Many parents are setting rules for their kid’s phones or even taking them away as a form of punishment.

I know of one lady who took her daughter’s phone away for 2 weeks. She felt her daughter was not engaging in conversations any longer, not participating in family dialogues and becoming isolated. The daughter actually thanked her mother after the 2 weeks. She could see how dependant she was on her mobile phone and how addicted she was.

I met another young lady, who goes out for dinner with her friends they have to all put their phones in the middle of the table. The first person to answer or look at their phone has to pay the tab for the whole table. I love it!!

Are you setting boundaries with your smart phone? Would you like to set some with some friends of yours?

Phones have become out-of-control at social situations. This interrupts the time you are having with that person. In order to be more productive whether in a social or work environment, you need to know how to manage your time. Answering your phone when you cannot deal with the situation on the other end is a huge time buster. You have to call the person back. Let the calls go to voice mail and deal with them when you are able to.

How many accidents have you heard of because of mobile phones? They truly are distracting while walking, driving or in a checkout line up.  Recently I gave up my land line. I am now 100% mobile. I can see how setting boundaries and rules are so important. I can also see how distracting the mobile phone can be if you let it.

Why not try these top 5 

productivity tips

and see how much more time you have.

1. Start your day off with your most important task.

2. Answer your phone only when you can talk.

3. Check emails twice a day.

4. Take one day off a week from your phone. Leave it at home or at least turn it off.

5. Text only when you can concentrate on texting.

If you like this video on productivity tips, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends.  And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to and get on the list.  You’ll get instant access to a free eBook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.

If you would like to know how to balance your time more effectively contact me for your free session.

I’ll share with you my tips and my colour coded secret.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:45+00:00January 18th, 2013|Organizer, Self Care Organization, Time Management|4 Comments

Traveling With Children

Traveling with children can be stressful.

Have you ever done it and vowed you would NEVER do it again? Ah come on, Grandma and Grandpa really do want to see you and the little darlings. Even if it means time change, flights, car rentals, etc.

Traveling With ChildrenI do not have children of my own, however I do have a very large extended family. We travel often together. The children range in ages from 2-11. This means everything from high chairs to “almost” total independence. Some of our best trips are to Whistler BC. The thing about BC Canada is that you are never 100% sure on the weather. This can make it a little challenging for packing. Will we ski? Will we swim? Are we going to be caught in the rain, snow or sun?

Keeping all this in mind it is important to pack for almost anything. It is also very important to be organized and not look like you are moving in. On our last trip, one of the grandsons arrived with a full suitcase. He was staying with us for 5 days. He had 3 hoodies, 4 pairs of pants and seven shirts. Guess what? He stayed in the same outfit the whole time. (I would not recommend this.) It was his favorite and most comfortable one. Shame that his mom packed far too many items even if he did decide to change.

Check out this short video on “How to be organized while traveling with kids”:

Follow these simple tips on traveling with children and you will arrive organized, happy and well rested.

Tip#1 Timing

If at all possible try and plan your trip around nap time. No not yours! Your kids. Can you tire your children out before boarding a plane? Most airports have play centres. Hang out there prior to getting in any long line ups.

Tip#2 Special Treats

Traveling With ChildrenBe careful not to get them over stimulated with sugary foods. Have special treat items that are only allowed for travel. For example; keep a very special toy on one side for when you get on the plane, boat, train or car. They do not get to see it or play with it any other times. You might also like to have special food items that are only for travel. Do you remember when you were a kid and the only time of year we could get Japanese oranges was at Christmas? It was such a huge treat. Ok, am I dating myself?

Tip#3 Specialty Items

Do you need to bring everything from home or can you rent/borrow some items? One of our granddaughters lives in Ontario. She is the youngest and still needs a high chair, stroller and playpen. These items can be found at most secondhand stores, Craigslist or even for free. (Check out We keep these items on hand for when they visit. When they are not visiting us I lend them to other grandmas in my area. This way I do not have to store them.

Tip#4 Routine

Once you have arrived at your vacation destination, try to get your children back on track with their regular routine. Keep bedtime the same as at home, meal times the same and discipline the same. I know it is easy to say “we are on vacation so you can have that extra cookie or yes you can stay up really late tonight.” Children thrive on routine and it is a high price to pay if they get out of it. Nothing says stress more than cranky, sick kids.

Tip#5 Travel Light

Have you seen people getting on the plane with a carry-on bag larger than life? It amazes me that those bags fit in the overhead compartment. Whether you are traveling with kids or not, this is a great rule of thumb. Make your carry on light and your suitcase light. Most places have washing machines nowadays. Pack light and do a load of wash if need be. Wear your heaviest bulky clothes on the plane, train, boat or car. The weight restrictions are so strict these days that you would hate to be paying for oversize luggage. If you go to the same destination often, consider leaving some items there. We have a drawer for our granddaughter’s belongings. Rather than send her clothes for her birthday I have them ready for her in her little drawer. This saves on packing as well. Can any clothing items be shared amongst the children? Can any toys be shared?

Traveling With ChildrenThe key to a happy, stress-free travel is making sure mommy and daddy are well rested, well fed and keep their cool. This will filter down into the rest of the family. Be prepared for long lines, wait times and unforeseen frustrations. Know that once you get to your destination it will be worthwhile. Hopefully there is a glass of Merlot waiting for you!

By |2020-06-07T20:52:45+00:00December 8th, 2012|Organizer, Time Management, Travel Organization|0 Comments
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