Time Waster #5: Not being able to say NO
What is your time worth to you? $50.00 an hour? More? Once you have spent your 24 hours today, you will never ever get them back.
Do you regard your time as sacred? Do you treat it with the same respect that you treat other people’s time? If someone wants a favor from you during your work or relaxation time, what’s your response?
Time Saver #5: Beautiful boundaries. Here’s the truth: If the time you designate for your “priorities” is in practice up for grabs — doing chores, running errands, doing things for other people whenever they ask, surfing the Net — then the reality is that you do not regard it as sacred time.
Find a time management system that works and stick to it for as long as it works .
Take 15 minutes at the end of each week to plan for the following week. Block off certain times that you will commit to whatever it is that’s a priority for you. Regard this time as non-negotiable. Mark it in your calendar like you would any other important appointment. Learn to say NO and set boundaries.
Where are some areas you can practice saying no this week?