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So far Rowena List has created 162 blog entries.

100 Bags: Organizing Fabric

organizing fabric

Mary’s “Before”

Have you ever wondered what a Professional Organizer might do with 5000 pounds of fabric?

The best part of my job is to support my clients in moving forward with clearing their clutter. The next best thing is seeing how they feel and how their lives move forward because they have cleared their clutter.

The most important thing in my job is to not judge. I go into a situation with no attachment to my clients things. I go in with an attachment to the outcome. I am working with a client right now (we will call her “Mary”) who has given me the permission to write a little bit about the journey of her stuff. Thank you Mary for this opportunity. I admire you for stepping out of your comfort zone and tackling your sewing room.

First things first.

It has come to my attention that there are homes which have an over abundance of fabric.

I can see the fascination with the beautiful textures, colours and styles of fabric. The key, as with anything is “nothing takes on value unless it is being used”. I can see how a person could get caught up in a fabric store. They see all the fabrics and their creative mind starts to wonder. I could make this; I could make that and so on. Dreams and goals are being set right then and there. But do you have the time for all of those projects?

It is important to buy only what you need at the moment. I’ll explain why.

Boxes and boxes of fabric sitting in a fabric room are not taking on value. The volume is so large the fabric will never get fully used. A person may tend to get overwhelmed by the volume and may become paralyzed from moving forward.

It is important to have a project in mind when purchasing fabric. Buy what you need and what you will use in a reasonable amount time.

“Mary” had been collecting fabric for over 20 years. Will you ever be able to use all that fabric? Probably not.

So “Mary” and I went about sorting, purging and organizing fabric.

Some of the fabric was outdated because it had been there for so long.

What once looked like a cool piece of fabric now looked “old lady-like” like or too high maintenance. (Only dry clean, etc.)

“Mary” feels she has about ten more years of sewing in her. Sewing is her hobby. With that in mind it was time to seriously downsize.

Each time we worked together she commented on how great it felt to go into her sewing room. The room felt lighter. She felt more creative. It was no longer a fire hazard or trip zone. The rest of the family was happy and thrilled to see the transformation. Her husband was so excited he built shelves for the rubber containers that will hold the fabric she is going to keep. It will all get labeled.

organizing fabricAre you curious as to where all the fabric went?

The Salvation Army took all “blanket” fabric. They make nice thick blankets for our homeless. A friend of hers took 8 bags (at 40-50 lbs per bag). A Halloween costume business took ten bags. A photographer took all the boudoir fabric. A family of sewers took 16 bags and was thrilled to receive the fabric. One of the family members is starting out in a purse making business. This really helped her. 50 plus bags went to the Mennonite ladies. They make blankets and clothes and send them all over the world.

Because all the fabric was going to a good place “Mary” was motivated to really purge. I am so proud of her and all of her efforts. Everyone involved is happy and the fabric is being put to good use.

Do you have an over abundant amount of fabric? Finding it hard to sort, purge, donate or keep it? Please contact me for a FREE 20 minute session.

We will discuss organizing fabric,your sewing room, craft room, or fabric situation and help you move forward.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:46+00:00August 6th, 2012|Home Organization, Organizer|0 Comments

Storing Chargers-How to Keep Track of Yours by Rowena List, Professioanl Organizer


storing chargers How many phone chargers do you have? Phone chargers for your phone, your spouse, your kids, the phone you owned three years back?

Do you have a way of storing chargers?

Do you have chargers but no phone? I see this a lot in homes. Bags and boxes of electronic chargers. None of them labeled so we do not know what they belong to.

If you have not needed the charger in the last week my guess is you will not need it. Open that drawer of chargers and think about it. Are you storing chargers you haven’t used in weeks, months, will you really use them again?



photo via dave patten

Please take a moment to watch this short video on storing chargers-

Now take a moment to label all of your chargers. I like to use the small plastic bread bag clips. You can write on them and attach to the cord of the chargers

Did you know that the number one item people leave behind in a hotel room is their phone charger? You can go to any front desk and ask for one as they have boxes of them. Some what like your local swimming pool with swim goggles.

Do you have a great story about “storing chargers?” Please leave it in the comment box below.

If you like this video, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends. And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to gettingittogether.ca and get on the list. You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.


The Best Way to Wash and Store Berries by Rowena List Professional Organizer of Getting it Together

the best way to wash and store berries Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries. Just a few of the fabulous berries we can get fresh in the summer time. Which ones are your favorite? Creative Commons License photo via Sharon Mollerus

I love blueberries.I’ll go to our local farm and buy pounds of them. You never want your berries to go bad.Why not watch this short video on-

The best way to wash and store Berries

I love to freeze berries. It is so handy to have them for my protien shakes in the winter. It makes the work of discovering the best way to wash and store berries worth it! How about you? What things do you do with your berries? Are you a jam maker? A pie maker? Do you like to can?

A great berry bush can produce a prolific harvest, it’s a good thing the list of uses is so long! I knew a woman whose raspberry bushes but out so many raspberries they stored them in gallon ice cream containers and handed them out to everyone who visited. She was in need of advice on the best way to wash and store berries for certain.

What is the best way to wash and store berries that you have found?

Please leave your comments below.

If you like this video, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends. And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to gettingittogether.ca and get on the list. You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.


By |2020-06-07T20:52:46+00:00July 24th, 2012|Home Organization, Organizer|2 Comments

Laundry Room Must Haves: How to Organize Yours

How do you feel about doing laundry?

Do you wish there was a magic fairy that came to your home once a week and did yours?

Do you long for a nice organized laundry room?

Is your laundry room a dumping ground for all of the family backpacks, shoes, coats, recycling and more?

There are certain laundry room must haves.

In this short video I will show you some of them.

Laundry Room Must HavesOne area I forgot to film was under my laundry room sink. I have included a photo so you can see how I store my laundry detergent etc. I installed the functional pull out shelf- a definite laundry room must haves. These are so great to have not only in your laundry room but in your pantry or cookware cupboards. More on that in another blog.

Laundry Room Must HavesRecently I found a really cool drying rack that I added to my laundry room must haves. Check it out in the photo. It is perfect for small spaces. IKEA had it hung in the small shower area.

It is a good idea to have a place in your laundry room or home where you can hang your delicates to dry. The less we use our dryer the better it is on our environment and our clothes.

So why not take some time this weekend and get your laundry room back in order.Make sure you include your laundry room must haves.

1. Take out all non related items.

2. Get some hooks or shelves if need be.

3. Toss out all the detergents bleaches etc that you do not use.

4. Give your washer and dryer a wipe down.

5. Toss in a load of laundry.

Still having challenges with getting organized? Call today for a FREE phone consultation.

I’ll give you a few tips to getting started right away.

What is number one on your laundry room must haves list? Tell us in the comments!

If you like this video, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends.  And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to gettingittogether.ca and get on the list.  You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your homein 15 minutes or less.


By |2020-06-07T20:52:46+00:00July 23rd, 2012|Home Organization, Organizer|2 Comments

Organizing Your Inbox: 15 Minutes to Freedom

Organizing your inboxHow do you feel when you look at your email inbox?

Are you overwhelmed by the number of emails you receive every day?

Do you wish you could tame your inbox?

Become a pro at organizing your inbox?

Would you like to be more productive?

I use to pride myself on getting my inbox to zero by the end of each day. As time went on and life got busier, I began to feel comfortable with having 20 unread emails still in my inbox. Then it went up to 40. After writing this article I am committed to getting it back down to zero.

Every day I get calls or requests for organizing emails. I think many of you, like me, have a love/hate relationship with our inbox. What was life like before email? It is so hard to remember. Email can be a real time buster however, it can also be a real time saver if used properly.

I think of how I used to “snail” mail my newsletters and now with a click of a button I can send out thousands. Since the computer is here to stay why not try these-

Simple tips on organizing your inbox

Please let me know how you do with these tips on organizing your inbox. Write your comments in the box below.

Tip#1 Exercise control. This is a tough one for me. I am so use to checking emails first thing in the morning.  The more I learn about productivity the more I can see how this is a BIG time buster. Do you catch yourself checking emails and then wondering off to social media or the internet? Before you know it an hour or 2 has gone by. To be the most productive, check emails 2-3 times per day at most unless your job requires otherwise. I am committed to doing this. Please join me. Most importantly turn off email notifications!

Tip#2 Unsubscribe. Take a close look at all the newsletters you subscribe to. Are they of importance in your life right now? For example, you might have subscribed to “child care” newsletters when your children were first born. Now that they are older, is that information relevant? When your organizing your inbox set up a “to read” folder for all other newsletters you enjoy and find helpful. Immediately move them from your inbox to your folder. Or you can set up a RRS feed in Google Reader. Put a filter to go straight “to read”. Once a week or on your lunch break go through the folder. If you find your “to read” folder gets overloaded then it is time to reassess.

Tip#3 Action Folder. Create an action folder. Store all emails that you need to take action on. These are not important or urgent emails. Take 15 minutes a day and deal with each email one by one. Can you delegate any of the “actions” or can you delete them?

Tip#4 Important Folder. Pick the top 10-15 most important emails and move them to this folder. Deal with these right away. Because they are in this folder you will not get side tracked. Once you have dealt with those 10- 15 then move another 10-15 over and deal with those.

Tip#5 New Policy. Every new email that comes in will follow this new policy of being filed. Say goodbye to inbox overflow and hello to 15 minutes of freedom. Let people know you will only be checking emails 2 – 3 times per day and that you will get back to them in a timely manner unless your job/personal life requires different. Ask friends and family to take you off their “joke” list. Yes it is fun to get them and funny to read however it is not productive and again it is so easy to get sidetracked. If you absolutely love getting jokes then set up a folder for them. Read them at the end of the day or on weekends.

80% of what we file never gets looked at again!!

Try to keep your outgoing emails short and to the point. One subject per email. Be mindful to change the subject line if you have changed subjects in a reply. I like to give as much information in the subject line as I can. For example: “Birthday Party for Sue on Friday night 7 pm-please confirm.” This is so helpful for filing purposes and quick references. When necessary pick up the phone. Things can get lost in email translation.

Are you still feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of emails? Pick up the phone and get your FREE consultation.

I will support you in moving forward with organizing your inbox

We will discuss strategies that will be best for you and your inbox situation. You will be so much more productive and stress free.


By |2020-06-07T20:52:46+00:00July 9th, 2012|Organizer, Time Management|0 Comments

Create an Organized Garage by Rowena List, Professional Organizer

organized garageWhen is the best time to get an organized garage?

Most people select the summer so they can have the door open and put unwanted items in the driveway.Keep in mind that it might take more than one day to get an organized garage.There are lots of hiding spaces in your garage. You might find items you had forgotten you had.You might even come across the odd spider or 2!

Creative Commons License photo Les Chatfield

Can you get your car in your garage? Would you like to park in your garage?

Has your garage become a catch all? This is very common.Not sure where to store item X ? It usually ends up in the garage. And that clutter is the enemy of an organized garage!

Would you like to have a system?

Would you like an organized garage?

Watch this short video to get some tips on how to have “zones” in your garage. You’ll see the gardening zone, tool zone,sports equipment zone and so on. Zones are key to an organized garage.

What are your great tips for organizing a garage ?
Please leave them in the comment box below. We can all learn from each other.

Keep in mind that your garage did not get cluttered overnight so it will not get cleared overnight. It will take time. You will need a plan of action. Let me help you with that.

If you like this video, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends.  And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to gettingittogether.ca and get on the list.  You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:46+00:00June 25th, 2012|Home Organization, Organizer, Organizing to Move|0 Comments

Moving Checklist

movingHow many people love to move? I have yet to meet anyone who gets excited about moving.

The key to a stress free, successful move is “ORGANIZATION” and good labeling!

The other key to a successful, stress free move is proper planning. Give yourself enough time to do all the tasks. Do not leave things to the last moment. Be ruthless with your sorting, purging and donating.

Follow this moving day checklist and be the envy of everyone who has every moved.

4-6 weeks before moving day

1. Start collecting boxes and packing paper. Your local produce store will have beautiful apple boxes. Having all the same size boxes makes for better packing. If you would like to use “green” boxes be sure to check out http://www.frogbox.com.

2. Go around your house with post it notes. Label all large items that WILL NOT be going with you. Be ruthless. Consider having a moving sale, use a consignment store, Craigslist, or donation. (I can help you with this is you do not feel comfortable doing it yourself.)

3. Start purging your clothes closets and storage areas.

4. Begin the process of contacting “People to Notify”:

  • Electricity and gas
  • Water and milk delivery
  • Telephone and internet
  • Cable TV
  • Home and auto insurance
  • Drivers License and Passport (change of address)
  • Newspaper and magazine subscription
  • Doctors and Dentist (get referral in new neighdorhood)
  • Banks and credit cards
  • Post office (change of address)  www.canadapost.com

5. Decide if you will pack/move yourself or if you are going to hire professionals. (I work with some very reputable movers.) Only use well known movers who will come to your home and give you a quote.

6. Start really downsizing your deep freeze. The goal would be to have it empty by move day. If your move is local, your frozen food can be packed in a cooler. If your move is long distance, you will need to make arrangements for any frozen food left. This is a great way to get to know your neighbors!

3 weeks before moving day

1. Pair down your pantry. Use up canned goods and dried goods. Toss out all outdated spices, baking supplies, stale cereal, etc.

2. Cleaning supplies, flammables, and aerosols cannot be moved by professional movers. Use these up until move day and then leave behind for the new tenants.

3. Decide what you would like to do with any or all plants. Indoor and outdoor ones. Will you be moving them or donating them?

4. Dismantle gym equipment, patio furniture, trampolines and large power tools.

5. Do any of your appliances need services? Now is the time to do it.

6. Pack (unless you have hired professionals) all items you do not need. Seasonal clothing, most of the kid’s toys, seasonal cookware/platters, books, CD’s, sporting equipment, etc.

2 weeks before moving day

1. Pack a suitcase for each family member. Include a towel, toilet paper, hand soap, special medications, toiletries, fresh set of sheets, toys/books and a few clothes. Just enough stuff to get your through the first 2 or 3 days in your new place. This saves on opening boxes and trying to find the favorite toy or pillow.

2. Arrange transfers of any school records.

3. Check to make sure your insurance covers you while moving.

4. Return library books, pop/beer bottles and any borrowed items.

5. Pack as much of the house as you can. When we moved I had 2 special boxes. One had the plastic cups, plates, etc. and the other had the champagne and non-perishable snacks. As soon as we got our keys I set up a little celebration area.

6. Make any travel arrangements.

7. Accept all help. Do your friends want to cook for you? Do they want to help pack? Say “yes please” and “thank-you”.

8. Be sure to do some self care. You do not want to strain your back. This is an important time to keep up your yoga, walking and hot relaxing baths.

1 week before moving day

1. Take down drapes, and blinds.

2. Dismantle TV, desks, and any other furniture you do not need this week.

3. Make sure all the laundry is done. Do you have any dry cleaning to pick up?

4. Make arrangements for any pets. Keep their food close at hand along with leash and blanket.

5. Pack everything except for the bare necessities.

6. Use up all the food in your fridge (as much as you can).

7. Do you need to do a run to the dump or will your local garbage pick-up do?

One day before

1. Make arrangements for your kids to be at a play date/sleep over. This will help lower the stress level. It is also safer for little kids to not be under foot.

2. Do all last minute cleaning.

3. Defrost freezer and wipe down inside of fridge.

4. Put the self clean on your oven.

5. Unhook your computers, radios, coffee maker, phones, etc.

6. Go out for dinner to a friends, family or local café.

7. Check the house for any last items that need to be packed. Hopefully there is nothing left.

8. Say goodbye to your neighbors.

Moving Day

1. Load the truck or get your professional movers to do it for you.

2. Have cold drinks and snacks on hand.

3. Load your car with what you can. Use a cooler for any last minute items from the fridge.

4. Leave the keys and your contact information with your landlord or Realtor. Your contact info is handy if there is any mail that does not get redirected. It is also handy if the new tenants/owners have any questions about your house/condo.

5. Collect your kids and pets.

6. Prepare for a new start. I trust it is a happy, joyful experience.

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the thought of packing, moving or unpacking?

Please allow me to support you in this process.  Have you taken advantage of my FREE 30 minute phone consultation? If not, than contact me today. We will discuss a plan of action to help you have a stress free, ORGANIZED move.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:46+00:00June 22nd, 2012|Home Organization, Organizer, Organizing to Move|2 Comments

Getting It Together FAQ’s – Part 3

organizedThank you for sending in your questions. It is really fun getting them and then answering them for everyone. Below are some of the most frequently asked questions that I have received.

Q- I have a basket full of keys. I do not know what they are for. What shall I do?

A- Keep a key for a year. If you do not need it within that year I am guessing you will never need it. If you know what a key if for make sure you label it.

Q- How can I keep my freezer organized?

A- Let’s chat about the freezer that is attached to your kitchen fridge as opposed to a deep freeze. Have same size containers. Fill them with let’s say berries. Label them and freeze. None of this tossing items into the freezer without labeling them. You want your freezer to be user friendly for the whole family. You might remember what is in that unmarked container but no one else will.

Q- What shall I do with my grown kids baby teeth? I saved them. Stored them and now what?

A- Ask yourself this question “what is the purpose of keeping them?” Keep asking yourself that question until you come up with a really good answer. If your children do not want them and you do not want them then TOSS!

Q- I’ve downloaded all my music CD’s onto my iPod. What should I do with the CD’s and cases?

A- As long as you have a backup in your computer you can donate, sell or give away your CD’s. There is no point in keeping them if you are using only your iPod for music.

Q- I have all my dolls from when I was a little girl. What should I do with them?

A- Are your dolls in a box or are they on display? Most often they are in a box in the crawl space or attic. These types of items fall into the sentimental “clutter”. Is it safe to say that keeping one very special doll would be good? Pass the rest on with love. Be sure to take a photo of them before passing on. Keep the memory but not the item.

I thought my granddaughters would like my dolls. No such luck. They wanted new up to date dolls.

Q- What shall I do with all my shoes? In our culture we do not keep our shoes in our clothes closet. I have shoes all over the front entrance and even outside.

A- No matter where you store your shoes you will want a shoe rack of some sort. There are wire, weatherproof handy ones that would fit nicely in the front entrance. I’ll have to take her a picture of one next time I head to the post office. There are also really neat ones that hang over a door.

Q- I get asked this a lot. Is your last name really “LIST?”

A- Yes, I was born with that name. I tried to come up with a company name that would incorporate my last name. So far no luck. If you have any ideas please send them my way. For now I am sticking with the company name of “Getting it Together”

Q- How long does it take to get organized?

A- How long did it take for you to get disorganized? How fast can you make decisions? How big is the project? How much time do you have to dedicate to getting organized? These are just some of the questions I ask my clients prior to us getting started. For example: A clothes closet that has not been organized or culled for let’s say ten years would take at least 4 hrs to get organized.

Q- What should I do with the old love letters from my high school boyfriend?

A- Is he the guy you are with now? Would you like anyone else to see or read these letters? For example your current partner/spouse. Then ask yourself this “what is the purpose of keeping these letters?” If you decide to keep them, put them in your memorabilia box.

Q-What shall I do with chipped glasses or dishes I have in my cupboard?

A- Funny how we keep those chipped glasses or dishes yet never use them. If we need a glass we move the chipped glass to one side and get a non chipped glass. You would NEVER give a guest a chipped glass or cracked plate. TOSS the chipped items away. You cannot even donate them because it is dangerous to use a cracked or chipped plate. It might break in your hand or your children’s hand.

What is your burning question? What is your biggest organizing obstacle? Please leave a comment below or contact me at www.gettingittogether.ca for a FREE 30 minute phone consultation. We will discuss your burning question and how you can move forward with clearing the clutter.

Organizing a deep freeze by Rowena List Professional Organizer of Getting it Together

organizing a deep freeze When was the last time you thought of organizing your deep freeze? Never? Years? You aren’t alone. In the day to day rush many of us don’t remember that organizing a deep freeze is actually really important! image via (a)artwork

Organizing a deep freeze is one of those 15 minute tips I like to share.

Most of us have our deep freeze in a basement, or room we don’t frequent. That leads to out of site out of mind! And that leads to trouble. Organizing a deep freeze can mean less waste, and that means money saved! And if you could bring down your grocery bill and waste wouldn’t you?

Be sure to use the oldest items first. Toss anything that is older than a year or has major freezer burn.

Check out this video for some other hot tips on organizing a deep freeze.

Do you have unmarked items in your deep freeze?

What is the most interesting thing you have found in there? My grandkids put their hampster in the deep freeze until they were ready to bury him. I really should check on the statis of that!

Would love to hear your interesting stories about the contents of your deep freeze. Please leave them below in the comment box.

If you like this video, please click the “like” button and then share it with your friends. And if you are not in the “Getting it Together” community,head on over to gettingittogether.ca and get on the list. You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.


By |2020-06-07T20:52:46+00:00May 30th, 2012|Home Organization, Organizer|6 Comments

What to do with your grown kids stuff by Rowena List Professional Organizer and Speaker

kids stuffSo many people are wanting to downsize these days. Are you one of them? Are you starting to see the benefit of a smaller space, and easier to care for home?

Have you been in your family home for 10,20 30 years? How much room does your kids stuff take up? Do your grown kids use your basement as their storage locker?Creative Commons Licenseimage via Ed Yourdon

You are hardly alone in that either. We keep our kids stuff while their lives are in transition. It seems like the right thing to do. Then they settle down and get more stuff. Suddenly the kids’ stuff in your home has become a permanent fixture that no one wants to deal with or talk about!

Now that you are thinking of downsizing you will have to deal with your grown kids stuff…….or they will!


Check out this video to get some tips on what to do with your grown kids stuff.

My girlfriend has her kids school year books. Both her daughters have moved away and clearly do not miss,need or want their year books.

Best to ask them before tossing.Be sure to give your grown kids a deadline. Please clear out yur items before this date or I will donate them.

What do you still have of your kids? Is it time for them to come and clear out their clutter?

Let me know by leaving your story below in the comment box.

 If you like this video, click the “like” button and then share it with your friends.  And if you’re not in the “Getting it Together” community, head on over to gettingittogether.ca and get on the list.  You’ll get instant access to a free ebook that outlines a simple 10-day plan for organizing 10 different areas of your home in 15 minutes or less.

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