Time Waster #4: A chaotic computer
Obviously technology has introduced many incredible things into our lives. But there are times when it is just another distraction in your life. How many emails are in your inbox? When was the last time you cleared out some of your files? Do you have a system set up that allows you to easily breeze through emails as they come in? It’s possible to have your Inbox at zero every single day.
Time Saver# 4: Try giving your Inbox 15 minutes and no more. The trap that the vast majority of people fall into is obsessively checking emails multiple times a day. This is a huge time waster, and it’s not necessary at all. Think about it: if something is truly urgent, you’ll get a text or a phone call, and there’s really no email that can’t sit for a few hours — 99% of emails do not require an immediate reply. Those who are masters of productivity in the business world almost universally have a strict twice-a-day time slot (often only once-a-day!) set aside for going through their Inboxes.
If you’re drowning in junk mail and don’t know where to begin, check out www.unroll.me for a super quick and free service that lassoes all your junk mail for you and allows you to unsubscribe with a quick click of a button. It’s heavenly!
Get your computer running faster by deleting your delete box. If you have dealt with all of the emails in your delete box, then there is no reason to be keeping them. This takes up room on your computer.
Clearing out your computer takes faith — trusting that whatever you recycle you will not need, and if you ever do need it again for some reason, you will be able to find it from a different source.