Time Waster #7: Not staying focused to tasks
How often do you catch yourself replying to emails, answering the phone when it rings, and trying to have your lunch? It has been proven that multi-tasking does not work. Our brains are not built for it, and our lives cannot sustain it.
Time Saver #7: Stick to one thing at a time and one thing only. Trust me on this one. I know it’s counter-culture. But I guarantee you will have more time if you do this. You will get the task done properly and more efficiently if you focus on one thing. Each time you get an interruption, it takes up to 20 minutes to get your focus back to where it was prior to the interruption. That is wasted time.
What are some things you can do to minimize distractions? Turn off your phone. Close the door. Turn off the “ding” sound that indicates you have a new email — or just close out your email altogether. Shut off TV or radio if they too easily pull you in.
Pay attention to what distracts you easily (it might surprise you), and do what you can to decrease the presence of those things in your environment during your work time.