How To Reduce Paper Clutter Once and For All

Do you suffer from TMPS? Too Much Paper Syndrome.

Where does all your paper clutter come from?

“They” said that with the invention of the computer we would be paperless. Ya right, we have 20% more paper now than we ever had before. Why? Fear. People print things because of the fear of not being able to find it on their computer, or their computer blowing up or, or, or. Why do you print?

Check out these TOP 5 Tips from Getting It Together on How to Reduce Paper Clutter Once and For All.

Tip#1 Trust.

There is a level of trust that comes with conquering your paper clutter. You need to believe that if you toss papers and then realize you need it later that you will be able to get the information from someplace else. You also need to trust your computer and how it is backed up.

Tip#2 Go Paperless.

Stop paper from coming into your home by switching to online bill payments.

Put a note in your mailbox to stop all junk mail.

Tip#3 Systems.

Do you prefer to have everything on your phone or do you like to have a system for jotting down to-dos, notes to family members and phone messages. Pick one method and stick to it.


Tip#4 Shred it.

Get yourself a small shredder. Make sure it crosscuts to protect your privacy. Get one that can shred about ten sheets of paper at once. You might not need that right now, however down the road it is one of the better shredders to have. Shred all unnecessary papers in your home that have any of your personal information on it. Keep in mind that you only need to keep important documents for 7 years.

If you have years and years of documents, a professional shredding company will come to your home and do it right before your eyes.

Tip#5 Take 15.

Take 15 minutes each day. Take a small handful of papers. Sit down. Handle each piece of paper ONCE. Deal with that piece of paper. Does it need to be tossed, shredded, or recycled? Is it a bill that needs to be paid? Set it up on automatic payment and go paperless while you are at it. Are there school notices, kids’ art work in those piles? Deal with each piece of paper ONCE.

Going through papers is not that much fun. Why not treat yourself to hands on organizing session with me. We can conquer your paper clutter once and for all.

Before we book an appointment, you get a FREE 15-minute phone consultation. In that consultation we will discuss your needs and concerns. I’ll give you some tips on how to move forward with clearing the paper clutter prior to us getting together.

Getting It Together is a Professional Organizing company serving Vancouver, Burnaby, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, the Tri-Cities, Langley, Maple Ridge and beyond. Get in touch today

By |2024-07-30T21:56:19+00:00July 30th, 2024|Home Organization|0 Comments

Getting Your Renovations Together

How long have you lived with a kitchen that’s bugging you?

Is your bathroom from the 80’s?

Are you sick and tired of the chaos?

As a Professional Organizer, I can take a lot of the stress away from your renovation or new build!

See my Renovations Help page for more details and to see what my clients are saying!

Getting It Togethers Top 5 Tips for Renovating.

Tip1: Downsize first. Clear out all the unwanted items. I will help you with getting ruthless!

Tip 2: Know your pain points. Are cabinets too high for you to reach, is the counter too low for you, do you want a storage cubby for each of your kids? And what have you always wanted but thought you couldn’t fit it into your space to meet your needs?

Tip 3: Have a budget in mind, also knowing that there can be unforeseen expenses.

Tip 4: Know your Strata rules and bylaws; get necessary approvals and any needed permits in advance.

Tip 5: Be open to suggestions. Keeping an open mind is key, as is visualizing enjoying your new space.

I can jump in and take your stress away if you’re already working with a contractor, or my quality Italian contractor and team can help from start to finish. We work on only one project at a time to ensure your project is done in a timely manner. Our quote is firm unless there is an unforeseen situation. All materials are purchased in advance.

We guarantee our quality work.

Getting It Together is a Professional Organizing company serving Vancouver, Burnaby, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, the Tri-Cities, Langley, Maple Ridge and beyond.  Get in touch so we can discuss how I can help you with your renovation today!

Rowena List, Professional Organizer

We chose Rowena and Davide to renovate our kitchen and could not be more pleased with the result! After meeting with them and deciding on a clear plan, we arranged a date for the work to begin and then left town. Rowena oversaw the project and kept us informed with photos and details. Davide’s work is amazing and they completed the work earlier than expected.  I would definitely recommend Rowena for any project you are thinking of.  She meets and exceeds expectations!

Valerie & David, Burnaby BC Canada

Happy client’s bathroom – Before and After


AFTER {not yet styled}




By |2024-07-18T17:47:26+00:00July 9th, 2024|Home Renovations|0 Comments
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