Confessions Of A Professional Organizer: Part 2

Do you have items in your house that are weighing you down?

Do you have items that are decreasing your self-worth?

Everything in our home needs to spark some joy, happiness or have a purpose. Your toilet plunger for an example might not spark joy but it certainly would bring you happiness if and when you needed it most.

Check out this short video on Confessions of a Professional Organizer: part two

I have never owned a scale until recently when I brought one home from my mom’s place. I believe I have a love hate relationship with scales like most women. If the number on the scale is presumably good then that makes your day and you’re happy. If the number is not what you would like it to be then self-sabotage and disempowerment start to take over. This is not a good thing.

If you’re doing your very best to eat healthy, stay active and get plenty of rest you know you’ll be able to maintain a healthy weight for your body size and structure. If your pants are fitting comfortably you most likely know that you are within the range that you’d like to be in.

I vote for getting rid of the scale and keeping your self-worth positive and productive. What are your thoughts? Leave them in the comment box below.

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