Getting That Together Look in 3-Minutes or Less!

You have already finished your skin care routine, using the best skin care products on the market today – from Mary Kay of course – and now you only have 3-minutes to get your make-up done for the day.

Not a problem!

Step 1

Simply start with a small amount of concealer under the eyes and on any blemishes. Pat the concealer with your fingertips to make sure it blends into the skin well. Remember to be gentle with the delicate skin around the eyes!

Step 2

For an ‘all-over radiant glow’ is to brush some of Mary Kay’s Bronzing Beads all over the face and neck. Try adding a little more powder to your cheeks to emphasize your beautiful bone structure! Fashion models do this all the time!

Step 3

To ensure a professional yet feminine look for your eyes, smudge a little bit of Mary Kay’s fabulous eye liner or eye shadow onto the outer corner of your eye lids. Don’t forget to finish off with a rich coat of mascara. Your eyes will appear “brighter” in a matter of seconds.

Step 4

Finally, to perfect your look, dab your lips with any one of Mary Kay’s fabulous lip glosses.

Voila! You are now ready to put your best face forward for the day.

Rowena List is an Image Organizer™, motivational speaker, CD author, writer, trainer and mentor in the fields of personal and business development. Based on her own personal trade secrets, Rowena provides training, coaching, tools and support for creating healthy reflections from the outside in. She focuses on “enhancing faces and clearing spaces” to provide the energy, productivity and confidence that are the foundations for her unique approach to Success Without Struggle™.

For more information on getting your 3-minute look, Image Organizing™ or Getting It Together please contact Rowena List here.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:55+00:00January 10th, 2009|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Top 10 Secrets To Success Without Struggle™

Suc-cess (sək-ses)

1. A favorable or desired outcome of something attempted.
2. A successful person, enterprise, etc.
3. Attainment of wealth, etc.

Success is a journey, not a destination.
It takes 25 years to become an overnight success.
—Rowena List

You have heard them all, but what are the TOP secrets to success?

First Steps

Lets find out where YOU are in relationship to these secrets:

  • Take the next few minutes and read through this list.
  • Rank each one from 1 to 10, where 1 is NEVER DO IT/EXPERIENCE IT and10 is THIS IS MY WAY OF LIFE/THIS IS WHO I AM.
  • Note: You can write N/A if it doesn’t apply to you.
1. Be passionate about what you do and you’ll never feel like you are working.
2. Stick to one thing. Too often people give up too soon.
3. Associate with people who have already achieved what you want to achieve. Read motivational books, listen to tapes and attend workshops in your field.
4. Success is comprised of 85% attitude and 15% product knowledge. People want to be around, purchase products from or be serviced by individuals that have a positive, upbeat attitude.
5. Have great time management. A good question to ask yourself is: “Is what I’m doing right now contributing to my goals?” This could be done for business goals or personal goals.
6. Have a balance. Work when you are working and play when you are playing. Never use the word “should”. For example, when you are at the gym don’t say to yourself “I should be working”; and when you are working don’t say “I should be with my kids”. When you have a balance you will not feel torn.
7. Fake it till you make it. People want to be around successful people. So when you are starting off in business you need to “act & feel” your way to success.
8. Walk the walk & talk the talk. Be true to yourself. Successful people do what they say they are going to do.
9. Be a master with money management. If you are not an expert in this area then hire someone to help you out. Learn all you can about money & finances.
10. Have a mission, purpose and goals.

Next Steps

Now that you have ranked them all, take a look at the numbers.

  • For your 10’s, ask yourself: “What am I doing that makes this so easy?“
  • For the 9’s ask yourself: “What one thing could I do to bring these up to a 10?“
  • Then, choose one that has the lowest number and see what you can do TODAY to raise it up even one notch.

Rowena List is an Image Organizer™, motivational speaker, CD author, writer, trainer and mentor in the fields of personal and business development. Based on her own personal trade secrets, Rowena provides training, coaching, tools and support for creating healthy reflections from the outside in. She focuses on “enhancing faces and clearing spaces” to provide the energy, productivity and confidence that are the foundations for her unique approach to Success Without Struggle™.

For more information on Image Organizing™ or on Getting It Together please contact Rowena List here.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:56+00:00January 8th, 2009|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Success Without Struggle™: Don’t Break the Bank Getting Your Image Together

Does the thought of updating/redoing or improving your image overwhelm you?
Do go think you’ll have to sell your first born in order to pay for a new look?

Here are some simple easy tips to improving your image. If you continue to follow the Getting It Together plan for Success Without Struggle™ you will also benefit from all of the rewards that come with this.

Top 5 Step-By-Step Together Tips

For Getting Your Image Together

Tip #1: Hair

Your crowning glory…your hair. This is one of the quickest and most reasonable methods of updating or improving your look.

  • Be sure you have a hairdresser that you really respect and know. If you don’t then start asking around. When you see someone with a simple, easy stylish hairdo, ask them who their hair dresser is. Women will travel a long way to go to a hairdresser they really trust.
  • Have a consultation first before they start to cut and colour.
  • Ask for a style to suit your current lifestyle. Simple, easy, fun but up to date.
  • Don’t be afraid of something new. That’s what renewing your image is all about!

Hot Tip: If you don’t like it…it will always grow back.

Tip #2: Make-Up

Why is your face important? Well, you may not be looking at it all day, but other’s are. And no matter how much we say, it is what’s inside that counts, it is human nature to take note of a person’s face. So, put your best face on, every time you leave the house!

Set-up a complimentary, try-before-you-buy, skin care and makeup lesson. Mary Kay offers casual sessions, in a group or individually where you are shown which skin care products are best for you and how to apply cosmetics. You will also learn which colors are appropriate for you and which colors are in style now. You are sure to feel more confident about makeup after one or 2 lessons. For more on this, take a look at Getting That Together Look in 3-minutes or Less.

Keep in mind that you do not have to spend a lot of time and money to have a polished up-to-date look. At Getting It Together, our rule of thumb is that you do not leave home without lipstick and mascara on unless you are off to exercise class. These two cosmetic items could cost you less than $30. If you look at this over 3 months – that’s 35¢ a day!

Tip #3: Eyeglasses

Do you want to look distinguished, intelligent, funky or frumpy?

If you want to improve your image you’ll want to consider having the latest in eyewear. Glasses can make or break a look. This is part your image makeover that could be the most expensive. You may have to save for this one but it will be well worth it in the long run. Be sure your eyebrows are professionally shaped to suit your new look and to show off your eyes and glasses.

Hot Tip: To save money, figure out which frames you like by going to a retail store. Write down the name and model, then go online and search for online discount eyeglasses stores. The same designer brands can be purchased at a fraction of the regular price. This can also be done with contact lenses.

Tip #4: Clothes

Wardrobe is probably the biggest challenge people face in updating/redoing or improving image. The key is to start out small. Have a clearing the closet organizing session from Getting It Together or speaking with us about image.

You will want to start with clearing out the old clothes, the ones you do not wear and the ones that do not fit. Getting It Together will:

1. Speak with you in depth about what you want in your new wardrobe.
2. Show you how to mix and match what you already have.
3. Advise you on what to let go of.
4. Advise you on what you need to complete your new look.
5. Give you tips on where to shop for the look you want.

Be sure to only go clothes shopping with a trusted friend and go to a boutique or store you know and respect. We will even go shopping with you. You will save time and money in the long run. Never buy because of price. It is better to buy a few high quality items than many low quality mismatched items. And always be sure to have your lipstick on!

For more information read our article 7 Top Together Tips For Getting It Together For a Shopping Spree.

Tip #5: Accessories

Accessories are jewelry, purses, shoes and scarves. It is amazing how an accessory can really update a look.

  • Keep it simple.
  • Be sure your purse and shoes are in peak condition. This will finish off your look.
  • When in doubt leave it out.
  • Less is better when it comes to accessories.

So you want to be a HOT MAMMA for your upcoming grad reunion, friend’s wedding, husband’s office party? Learn all the latest tips on Getting It Together for a Shopping Spree.

Rowena List is an Image Organizer™, motivational speaker, CD author, writer, trainer and mentor in the fields of personal and business development. Based on her own personal trade secrets, Rowena provides training, coaching, tools and support for creating healthy reflections from the outside in. She focuses on “enhancing faces and clearing spaces” to provide the energy, productivity and confidence that are the foundations for her unique approach to Success Without Struggle™.

For more information on Image Organizing™ or on Getting It Together, contact Rowena List here.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:56+00:00January 7th, 2009|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Getting It Together for Spring Clearing

Do you have the URGE TO PURGE?

Spring is almost here and so if you are thinking about clearing the clutter, then you are certainly not alone.

While you are at it you may as well do some spring cleaning. The best time to start your spring clearing and cleaning is when you stop using the heat in your home.

The hardest part is always getting started so let’s look at five great “Together Tips” to help you get on your way.

Together Tips

Tip #1

Make a list of all the things you would like to accomplish in your spring clearing and cleaning. Go from room to room and in a notebook write down all the things you would like to have done in each room.

Tip #2

Break your list down into tasks as this project can seem overwhelming and huge.

For example in your bedroom:

1. Closet

  • Take out all the clothes that are not seasonal and place them in a pile on the bed.
  • Separate this pile into clean and dirty. Send the dirty clothes for cleaning/washing and store the clean clothes in a different closet or storage area.
  • Take out all the clothes that you haven’t worn in a year or that do not fit you any more. Pack them up for donating or selling in a consignment store.
  • Clean the closet shelves and walls and vacuum the floor to remove dirt and dust that accumulated during the winter.

2. Dresser

  • Perform the same tasks as you did in #1 above. Be ruthless with old tattered under clothes. Just because nobody sees them does not mean they have to be old and worn out.
  • Do you store your jewellery and accessories in your dresser? If so, is it time for an update. Do you still wear all the items? Are they your style and do they still go with your cloths. If not then it is time to purge. Ask your self “would I buy it again?”.
  • What a great time to change the drawer liners and add a little essential oil to freshen things up.

3. Night tables

  • This can be a catch all area. Take inventory of what you really need in your night table.
  • If your night table has a drawer dump it out on the bed. Ask yourself “do I need this in my night stand, do I use it and do I want it?”. If the answer is “no” to any of these questions then it is time to toss it out or pass it on.
  • Does your night table have every book or magazine that you have ever read on it? Pass on the ones you are finished with and organize the rest in your book shelf. Keep only current reading material on your table.

Once your room is complete, move on to the next room and go through this system again. If your entire home needs a spring clearing/cleaning you may need to get help.

If you have a lot of clutter, call a relative or friend or better yet a professional organizer to help you sort through it all. If you can’t stand doing the cleaning part, hire a cleaner. If you end up with no clothes in your closet after the clearing, an image consultant can help you find new or gently used clothes to replace your old ones. And you’ll have a new image to go with it!

Tip #3

Get your family involved. It is no fun doing this alone and chances are it’s not all your stuff.

For example:

  1. Spend a day in the garden together clearing out all the debris from winter and cleaning all the cement walks and driveway. Borrow a power washer from a friend or neighbour (the kids will have fun with this one).
  2. Get small children to go on their hands and knees and dust all the floor boards and behind hard to reach furniture. Don’t forget to get them involved in their own rooms too. They can clear out old toys and clothes to make room for the new season.Reward them with a treat or special activity at the end of the day.
  3. Make a “honey do” pot. Write out all the chores you would like for your husband to do. Write one chore per piece of paper and place them in the pot. Every Saturday morning he gets to pick one job out of the jar. Reward him at the end of the day too! If you do not have a husband or he is not the “handy man” then make a list for the local handy man in your area. Some areas have “husbands for hire” companies.

Tip #4

Turn on your favourite music, open the windows and take it step-by-step. Stay focused and don’t get distracted by those photo albums! Doing this all before summer means you don’t have to think about it during the best part of the year.

Tip #5

The best tip of all is “an organized home takes 40% less time to clean”. What will you do with all your spare time?

If you just can’t fathom tackling your urge to purge alone, contact Rowena for Spring Clearing help.

Rowena List is an Image Organizer™, motivational speaker, CD author, writer, trainer and mentor in the fields of personal and business development. Based on her own personal trade secrets, Rowena provides training, coaching, tools and support for creating healthy reflections from the outside in. She focuses on “enhancing faces and clearing spaces” to provide the energy, productivity and confidence that are the foundations for her unique approach to Success Without Struggle™.For more information on Image Organizing™, on booking Rowena for a presentation or a one-on-one or on Getting It Together please contact her at

By |2020-06-07T20:52:56+00:00January 5th, 2009|Uncategorized|4 Comments

Getting It Together For Hallowe’en

Getting It Together For Hallowe’en: Less Is More Even When It Comes to Candy

Isn’t it interesting how all year long we teach our kids not to talk to strangers and never take candy from someone you do not know, then Halloween comes along all the rules change? No wonder some kids are confused!

Getting It Together has an exciting approach to having a fun, safe and organized Halloween.

Host a Halloween Party on Halloween Night

Creative Halloween Costume Ideas

Ask the children to choose items from around the house to create their own costumes. This will help in clearing the clutter, save you money as you won’t be buying a costume will sit in the closet for another year collecting dust. Offer a prize to the child wearing the most recyclable or reused items.

Halloween Food

Think up a theme for the food. For example, all green food. Just think of how great everyone will feel after eating healthy food instead of all that candy (and you won’t have to be hiding it from your kids for the next 6 months). Be sure to have some healthy green treats like green frosting on top of a healthy muffin.

Halloween Party Activities

Organize some games and storytelling at your party. Just think of the impact this will have on all the guests as opposed to running around the neighbourhood in the cold and rain.

Halloween Giving

This is the perfect time of year to teach your children about giving. Let them pick an organization or charity and everyone who comes to the party can donate to it. All ages can participate in this with a little help from you.

Less is more even when it comes to candy.

Please feel free to share your success stories with us at Getting It Together.

Rowena List is an Image Organizer™, motivational speaker, CD author, writer, trainer and mentor in the fields of personal and business development. Based on her own personal trade secrets, Rowena provides training, coaching, tools and support for creating healthy reflections from the outside in. She focuses on “enhancing faces and clearing spaces” to provide the energy, productivity and confidence that are the foundations for her unique approach to Success Without Struggle™.

Rowena is available for keynote speaking engagements, workshops and one-on-one professional organizing and Image Organizing™.

For more information on Image Organizing™ or on Getting It Together please contact Rowena List at

By |2020-06-07T20:52:56+00:00January 4th, 2009|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Getting Your Kids Schedule Together

Ahhhh, the beginning of the school year.

It’s like spring time. Fresh, new, wonderful, bright…and hectic! All over town we see moms and dads pulling their hair out trying to juggle school with kid’s activities, work and home. So how do we manage all this with much less stress?

Here are a few Together Tips to keep you on top of it all.

Tip #1 – Kids do best with routine

By now, we should all have settled in to our schedules. Routine is important, however, if a child is not thriving on this schedule it is wise to reconsider. Possibly remove or add an activity that will produce less stress in your child’s life.

Tip #2 – Leave time for rest and play

Kids love structured activities, and a certain amount of it every day is important. Each child is different, so gauge how much they need by their behaviour. More than anything, after school and on weekends, kids need and want free time to rest and play. Ensure you allow for that too.

Tip #3 – Sit down as a family

Decide as a family which one or two activities each child wants to do per season. Two activities is most likely the maximum, although every child is different. The demands of school just keep getting greater, so keep an eye out, so that their schoolwork doesn’t suffer. Make sure you don’t overdo it too as your stress will be absorbed by your children.

Tip #4 – Make a calendar

This may seem like the most obvious of tips, but you’d be surprised when a child gets to be involved in the planning how much more willing and cooperative they can be.

On the calendar, mark down all the regular activities. Ask each of your children to choose a colour marker that then will only be used for their activities. Ensure that your schedule includes which grown-up will be in charge of driving which child to which activity. Look into car pooling especially if you need to be in multiple places at one time.

Tip #5 – Family time

No matter how busy you get with activities, work, school or home improvement, the most important is family time. Schedule one activity per week with the entire family. And, if possible, one activity with each of the parents separately with each child.

On the calendar be sure to schedule in family time in a different colour.

Now this all may seem complicated, but actually it will simplify your life. Keeping life simple and balanced means harmonious, happy kids.

For more information on this or any other subject, contact Rowena at or visit the Getting It Together website.


New article on website

Don’t miss Getting It Together for Halloween:Less Is More Even When It Comes to Candy. More amazing tips to make your Halloween more enjoyable.

Referral program

Whether you are a client or not, Rowena would like to thank you for your referrals by offering a referral fee for any new client you send her way.

She’ll give you a cheque for 10% of the total bill or that same amount off your next newly booked session with her. That means that if you refer a client who books an image organizing session worth $400, then you get $40. That’s a free night at the movies!

This offer is time limited so don’t wait…refer away.

The 1 to 31 Organizing System™

1to31binderHave you ever wondered how Rowena keeps on top of her hectic schedule. The key to her success is the 1 to 31 Organizing System. It has been the base for her business and personal life for over 20 years and has proven to be a great asset.

Because of this, she wants to bring this organizing system to all you Moms, entrepreneurs, business people or anyone who desparately needs to be organized.

One customer said:

“The 1to31 has helped me enormously. I used to have bills, invitations, cards, lists and reminders stuck all over my fridge. I felt overwhelmed by the clutter and would miss important dates. The 1to31 helps me feel in control of my life’s events and keeps everything together. I wouldn’t be without it.”

Amanda Baggett
Sales Trainer, Education Services
Research in Motion

The system is so easy to use, that it will become second nature within a few days. Once you get started you’ll wonder how you ever managed (or didn’t manage) without it. For more information click here.

The 1 to 31 Organizing System™ is available at or by contacting Rowena at:

Please feel free to share your success stories with us at Getting It Together.

Rowena List is an Image Organizer™, motivational speaker, CD author, writer, trainer and mentor in the fields of personal and business development. Based on her own personal trade secrets, Rowena provides training, coaching, tools and support for creating healthy reflections from the outside in. She focuses on “enhancing faces and clearing spaces” to provide the energy, productivity and confidence that are the foundations for her unique approach to Success Without Struggle™.

Rowena is available for keynote speaking engagements, workshops and one-on-one professional organizing and Image Organizing™.

For more information on Image Organizing™ or on Getting It Together please contact Rowena List at

By |2020-06-07T20:52:56+00:00January 3rd, 2009|Organizer|0 Comments

Together Tips for Sun Exposure

What not to do under the sun:
Getting It Together for Safe Sun Exposure

Are you as confused as the next person about how much sun is too much and which sunscreen is necessary?

Have you ever stood in the store feeling so overwhelmed by all the choices you have, or by the price or SPF (Sun Protection Factor) number on the bottle?

Read on to find out what’s good and what isn’t when it comes to protecting the largest organ: your skin.

Read the Label

Beware of the cheaper, and still unregulated, American brands of sunscreen which are a cocktail of toxic chemicals. Since 1997, the only chemical allowed in Canadian-approved sunscreens is Parsol 1789 (avobenzone). Some brands of sunscreen will use either titanium dioxide or zinc oxide. These protective ingredients are mineral based – not chemical based – and therefore are good to look for.

Look for a sunscreen that is waterproof, sweat-proof and safe-for-sensitive-skin.  Always check the expiry date. After the expiry date, the SPF level of the sunscreen will decrease.

An SPF of 30 is a total block from the UVA & UVB rays of the sun. Anything with a number higher than 30 SPF cannot be regulated. SPF 30 is the total block…but you still need to reapply it.

Facts & Fiction

Getting it Together has come up with some facts and fiction to help you have a sun-safe fun summer or a winter vacation that takes you away to find the warmth of the sun.


  • When it is cloudy you are safe from the sun’s rays.
  • 15 + 30 = 45. Putting one SPF on top of another doesn’t add up. If you want SPF 45 you’ll have to use SPF 45.
  • Money talks. The more you pay for your sunscreen, the better it is.


1. One in every three people gets skin cancer!

  • Even mild sunburns can lead to wrinkles or even skin cancer down the road.
  • 90% of premature aging and skin cancers are caused by sun exposure.
  • 5-10% of all skin cancers appear on the eyelids.
  • The lower lip is especially susceptible to squamous cell carcinoma – a type of skin cancer.
  • The skin never heals 100% after a burn, so best to avoid getting one.

2. There is no such thing as a healthy tan

You may look and feel it, but sun exposure isn’t healthy. If you must go to a tanning salon, wear sunscreen. Or better yet, use a sunless tanning lotion on your body and bronzing powders on your face. Check out for more information.

3. Sunscreens protect your face and body from the harmful UVB rays

Use the right one with the right SPF for your skin tone.

For example:

Fair skin burns in 10 minutes without sunscreen on. If you were to wear a sunscreen with an SPF of 15, you would be protected for 15 x 10 minutes = 150 minutes. After 150 minutes it would be best to get out of the sun. If you plan on being in the sun longer, wear an SPF of 30 – which would give you 300 minutes of sun protection. Mary Kay sunscreens are safe for ages 6 months old and up, are waterproof and approved by the Skin Cancer Foundation.

4. Where do those rays come from?

Ninety percent of the sun’s rays bounce off water, sand, concrete and snow. It is best to wear sunscreen all year long; especially on your face and neck.

5. Clouds block only 20% of harmful UV radiation. And it has medicinal effects.

Moderate, unprotected exposure to UV rays (from 10 to 15 minutes a day) is actually good for you as it helps generate Vitamin D – which strengthens bones, muscles and your immune system. It also, ironically, helps to prevent the growth of cancerous tumours. Sunshine also regulates serotonin and tryptamine levels – which are the neurotransmitters responsible for your moods and body temperature.

Make the most of your summer and/or your vacation. Enjoy the sun, water sports, boating, biking and whatever activities you choose. Just remember to always have sunscreen on; carry it with you. Don’t get caught off-guard and end up with a really bad, irreparable burn…or worse – skin cancer. Always practice good sun safety with children. We get more sun exposure by the time we are six years old than what we need for a lifetime. Protect your children and you’ll help towards protecting their future.

Together Tips

  1. Having your sunscreen handy in the car, beach bag and bathroom cupboard so you are never caught without it. Buy one bottle for your vehicle, one for your beach bag and another for the house. That way, you never need to remember to bring it; it’ll always be there. You know how the weather can change from one minute to the next.
  2. Make a habit of putting your sunscreen on every morning no matter how much or little you will be outside. Ensure you cover all exposed skin.

For more information on this or any other subject, contact Rowena at or visit the Getting It Together website.


New referral program

Whether you are a client or not, Rowena would like to thank you for your referrals by offering a referral fee for any new client you send her way.

She’ll give you a cheque for 10% of the total bill or that same amount off your next newly booked session with her. That means that if you refer a client who books an image organizing session worth $400, then you get $40. That’s a free night at the movies!

This offer is time limited so don’t wait…refer away.

The 1 to 31 Organizing System™

Have you ever wondered how Rowena keeps on top of her hectic schedule. The key to her success is the 1 to 31 Organizing System™. It has been the base for her business and personal life for over 20 years and has proven to be a great asset.

Because of this, she wants to bring this organizing system to all you Moms, entrepreneurs, business people or anyone who desparately needs to be organized.

One customer said:

“The 1to31 has helped me enormously. I used to have bills, invitations, cards, lists and reminders stuck all over my fridge. I felt overwhelmed by the clutter and would miss important dates. The 1to31 helps me feel in control of my life’s events and keeps everything together. I wouldn’t be without it.”

Amanda Baggett
Sales Trainer, Education Services
Research in Motion

The system is so easy to use, that it will become second nature within a few days. Once you get started you’ll wonder how you ever managed (or didn’t manage) without it. For more information click here.

The 1 to 31 Organizing System™ is available now by contacting Rowena at:

Rowena List is an Image Organizer™, motivational speaker, CD author, writer, trainer and mentor in the fields of personal and business development. Based on her own personal trade secrets, Rowena provides training, coaching, tools and support for creating healthy reflections from the outside in. She focuses on “enhancing faces and clearing spaces” to provide the energy, productivity and confidence that are the foundations for her unique approach to Success Without Struggle™.

For more information on Image Organizing™, on booking Rowena for a presentation or a one-on-one or on Getting It Together please contact her at

If you would like to use this article for your website or ezine, please contact

By |2020-06-07T20:52:56+00:00January 2nd, 2009|Organizer|0 Comments
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