How To Attend A Potluck by Professional Organizer Rowena List

Do you love potlucks? Most people do because of the variety of foods…….. unless you end up at an all dessert one and you’ve just come from a massive workout ready to eat your right arm.

Check out this short video by Rowena List of Getting It Together

Then read on for the Top 5 Tips on How To Attend A Potluck

Tip 1: Bring a substantial dish of food. Keep in mind there could be several people at this potluck and how nice to be able to leave leftovers for your Hostess.

Tip 2: Bring the appropriate serving utensils and make sure they have your name on them.

Tip 3: Be sure to take all your belongings home with you. The last thing your Hostess needs is extra serving dishes that she has know idea who they belong to. Go one step further and wash up all the dishes that don’t belong to your Hostess, that way all the guests can leave with clean bowls etc.

Tip 4: Try to bring something that doesn’t require going in the oven unless you have confirmed with your Hostess that hers works and will be on. I attended a potluck where many people brought things for the oven and it caused chaos in the kitchen.

Tip 5: Be mindful of bringing flowers unless you can take care of putting them in a vase for your Hostess. It’s one less thing she has to deal with.

Above all, have fun and be the best guest you can be.

PS: Keep in mind I do food prep and cooking for my clients now.

Contact for more details.

PPS: Do you find these tips helpful? If so, please share the love by sharing this link.

By |2022-05-30T19:51:20+00:00May 30th, 2022|Organization Tips|0 Comments

How To Organize In A Quarantine – Part 3

We have been in self-isolation/quarantine for three months now. For many of you, this has been a very long and hard road with not only trying to home school your children, work from home and prepare meals every single day.

Check out this short video by Getting It Together on How To Organize For A Quarantine Part 3. Then read on for the TOP 3 helpful tips.

Tip 1: Always cook in bulk. Even if you’re making a roast dinner, prepare extra vegetables and potentially turn the leftovers into a stew which can be frozen in single servings. IMG_6904

Tip 2: Have a menu plan for two weeks at a time. Rotate that menu plan for the first two weeks of every month followed by a different menu plan for the last two weeks of every month.

Tip 3: Keep things simple and healthy.

PS: Are you still finding it a challenge to cook? Check out my new services where I will come right to your kitchen and prepare healthy freezer meals for you and your family. Contact for rates and bookings. IMG_6902

PPS: Check out these two exciting podcasts where I was a guest on Heart Sells Podcast based in Germany.

And when you are done with all this insight, please check out

Share the LOVE by sharing this blog

By |2020-06-07T20:52:25+00:00May 25th, 2020|Home Organization, Self Care Organization|0 Comments

How To Organize In A Quarantine – Part 2

Check out this short video  on How To Organize In A Quarantine. Part 2 then read my talented Toastmasters friends Poem.

Staying at home, being quiet can bring out some of your talents and creativity. It sure did for this person, don’t you think?

Corona virus poem

As I sits here in self isolation away from my friends

I think of what I can do until the quarantine ends.

I look all around me there’s plenty to clean

I could scrub and disinfect until all is a gleam

Or I could go out to shop buy things that we need

But the shelves are all empty so unlikely to succeed.

Its funny how toilet paper is so popular these days

There must be some people using it in unimaginable ways.

People are staying at home and learning to cook

Using an internet recipe or an old recipe book

I look out of the window thinking what should I do

And that’s when I see sky in a beautiful blue hue


Outside is so sunny , so warm and so bright

I decide to go out and enjoy all the light.

I sit on the front porch in my adorondack chair

Looking out on the street I see something quite rare.

The neighbor is out with his kids all in tow

Other families are biking all in a row

There are joggers and skaters and kids towed in a cart

Of course they are all keeping 6 feet apart

Another neighbor I haven’t seen for some time

Walks by, gives a wave and hopes all is just fine.

There’s gardeners outside pulling up weeds

Others are mowing , pruning and planting some seeds.

One kid is up climbing so high up a tree

Reminds me of childhood. Oh I was so free.

The sidewalk and roadway has pictures of chalk

A man and his wife take their dog for a walk,



Its refreshing to see the neighborhood so alive

I guess Covid 19 brought everyone outside.


And that’s when I realize that in this odd Spring

Its teaching us to appreciate some simpler thing

Like being a good neighbor, family member and friend

We’re in this together until this pandemic’s end.


Written by AM of Coquitlam BC Canada

Permission to use was granted.


PS: We are 4-6 weeks in quarantine. Have you checked off several of your “To Dos”?

If not, why not take advantage of a FREE over the phone coaching call with Rowena.

Check out to book your time.


In the mean time subscribe to her Facebook and YouTube


By |2020-06-07T20:52:31+00:00April 27th, 2020|Home Organization|0 Comments

How To Meal Plan Like A Pro

Are you like most people, too tired at the end of the day to even think about preparing a healthy meal?

Have you lost your creativity in the kitchen?

Would you like some go-to dishes that every family member will gobble up?

Watch this short video on How To Meal Plan Like A Pro and then follow Getting It Togethers’ Top 5 Tips

Tip 1: Organize your kitchen. There’s nothing worse than trying to prepare meals in a disorganized cluttered kitchen. How can you get anyone to help you if they don’t know where the items are and you don’t know where they are? Set aside time to donate all the kitchen items you’re no longer using. Clear out all the expired food items in your pantry and fridge. Put all non-kitchen items in their proper place.

Tip 2: Clean all surfaces. Kitchen counters are not designed to be a dumping zone. Make sure all counters are scrubbed down and your kitchen is ready for food prep. Be sure to also clean as you go. There’s nothing worse than a big mess to clean up after a nice meal.

Tip 3: Select your top 10 favourite meals. Things that the whole family will enjoy. Is it stew, pasta, fajitas or chicken casserole? Most households rotate their top 10 meals throughout the course of the month. Look over the recipes and see what items you need to purchase and make your shopping list. IMG_4160

Tip 4: Prepare in bulk. When you bring home your fresh produce, wash it, cut it up and put it in containers. This saves precious time when it comes to meal prep. Select a two-hour slot in your week where you can cook in bulk and freeze. Maybe you could make a huge pot of pasta sauce and your neighbour could make a big stew and you can share. Cooperative cooking.

Tip 5: Clear the clutter from your mind. Once the clutter is cleared from your mind, it makes room for creativity. This doesn’t mean you have to cook like a French chef, it just means your mind is open to put together a healthy meal for your family. Consider deep breathing on the way home from work or a walk with a friend or spa like music.

PS: Would you rather not cook at all? One of my new services is to come into your home and prepare healthy meals for you and your family. Contact me for all the details.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:31+00:00January 14th, 2020|Home Organization, Organizer, Recipes, Time Management|0 Comments

How To Lose 40 Pounds In 4 Hours

We have all heard that in order to lose weight we need to cut out carbs. Eat low fat. Exercise three times a week. Eat 10-12 servings of fruits and vegetables and avoid sugar. But wait! Is there something else that could really help us to lose weight? Yes, there is.

Cut out the clutter in ten easy steps and watch the weight lift from your shoulders.

Let’s face it. If you can’t stand the site of your kitchen or can’t find what you are looking for in your kitchen how motivated are you to cook and eat healthy meals?

If your clutter is making you feel overwhelmed and stressed how likely are you to want to get in your kitchen?

Check out this video on How To Lose 40 Pounds In 4 Hours

and then read on…

Try these simple steps to cutting out the clutter and watch the pounds shed away.

  1. Step up a weekly appointment with yourself to do the shopping. Most households eat approximately ten different meals over the course of a month in some sort of rotation. Have your meal plan written out and use it to make your shopping list. Heck, now a days you can even shop online at midnight in your PJ’s if you really want to.
  2. Give your mailbox a diet. Put a red sticker on your mailbox which indicates to the post person you no longer wish to receive junk mail. You might need to have a verbal conversation with him or her depending on what part of the world you live in.
  3. Have one cheat day per week. That’s the day you sit down and open your mail and deal with what needs to be dealt with. Treat yourself to a nice coffee, glass of wine or beverage of your choice.
  4. Instead of going sugar free go paperless. Keep all important documents in a file on your computer which you back up consistently. Keep sugar to a minimal amount.
  5. Put your computer on a cleanse. Delete all unnecessary files, emails and folders that are no longer serving you. Take 15 minutes each day to work on this cleanse.
  6. Eliminate the three deadliest words “just in case”
  7. Kiss emotional eating goodbye as you kiss goodbye to the emotions of holding onto stuff which no longer brings you joy or serves you.
  8. Clear all the junk food, processed food and expired food from your pantry. Start with a clean slate. Think Mediterranean eating. After spending over two weeks in Greece I see why “they” say eating a Mediterranean diet is such an awesome way to fuel our bodies.
  9. Eliminate the endless supply of unused toiletries from under your bathroom sink.
  10. Don’t store extra pounds of another people’s clutter.

P.S. If you are wanting to get in shape you would hire a personal trainer so why not hire a professional organizer to help you get your home and life in shape? I’ll give you the personal push to get started and coach you in separating the emotions from the possessions.

Call for a free over the phone session today. 604-520-9550. Or book online at

By |2020-06-07T20:52:32+00:00December 18th, 2017|Home Organization, Organizer|0 Comments

Slim Trim Weight Loss Ideas

One of the most frequently asked question I get is “what should I do with all my papers?” and the next FAQ is “how do you stay so slim?” We will talk about papers in another article. For today we will concentrate on slim trim weight loss ideas. You might be thinking what does this have to do with getting organized? In order to be our best selves we need to be organized. It affects all areas of our life doesn’t it?

Have you ever heard of the three major body types?

They are Ectomorph, Mesomorph or Endomorph.

An ectomorph is a typical slim person. Ecto’s have a light build with small joints and lean muscle. Usually ectomorph’s have long thin limbs with stringy muscles.

A mesomorph has a larger bone structure, larger muscles and a naturally athletic physique. They find it quite easy to gain and lose weight.

The endomorph body type is solid and generally soft. Endomorphs gain fat very easily. Endo’s are usually of a shorter build with thicker arms and legs.

People can be a combination of the above body types.

Do you know which one you are?

I happen to be an Ectomorph.

With all that being said all body types can reach and maintain healthy weight loss. The key word here is HEALTHY.

Why not try Getting It Together’s Top 6 Tips on Slim Trim Weight Loss and see the results for yourself.

2Tip #1 Start your day with exercise or increase your daily activities. It takes good planning and organization to get to the gym every day. (We have talked about that in one of our past video blogs) Maybe you are in a situation where this in not possible. Small children at home or start work at 5 am. You can however increase your daily activities.

Take the stairs, park as far away from your office building as possible and walk to it. Run around the park with your kids. Do some stretching throughout the day. Walk on your lunch hour or have walk and talk meetings.

Tip #2 Start your day with a high protein shake. I love my hemp protein. In a blender add a banana, frozen fruit, yogurt, hemp protein powder, seeds, nuts and water. You will be full for many hrs plus all the protein goes right to muscle rebuilding. Protein shakes are also a great meal replacement for busy people on the go.

Tip # 3 Drink loads of water. How many times do we need to hear this? Cold water boosts your metabolism by up to 30%. I like to add lemon to mine. This acts as a natural cleanse and tastes good. The key is to always have water with you. This takes some organizing. Carry your refillable water bottle to the gym, to work, beside your TV, in the car and to the dinner table. The more water you drink the more daily activity you will have because you will need to be running to the washroom 🙂

By |2020-06-07T20:52:36+00:00July 14th, 2015|Organizer, Self Care Organization|2 Comments

How To Slow Down And Savour Your Food

How often do you stand in the kitchen and eat your meals?

How often do you miss a meal? “I’m too busy to eat.”

How often do you get indigestion?

This is all crazy making. The fact that we are too busy, too rushed or maybe to disorganized to eat properly is crazy. Eating is one of the most important things we can do for our bodies next to proper sleep and shelter. Yes it takes time, planning and preparation in order to be prepared for meal time. These ideas take just a little time and a little organization. Your body is worth it. Isn’t it?

Check out this short video on how to slow down and savor your food.

Next time you are getting ready for a meal please try these top Getting it Together’s 5 tips.

Tip#1 Stop. For just a moment and really appreciate what is on your plate. Be grateful for what you are about to eat. (Hopefully it is something really healthy and yummy.)

Tip#2 Breathe. Take a moment and really examine your breath. Are you breathing short shallow breaths or are they long deep ones. If they are short, take a minute and do 3-5 really deep breaths. This will help you to slow down and enjoy your meal.

Tip#3 Chew. Chewing slowly encourages proper digestion. Chewing slowly allows you to really savour the flavours of the food you are eating. If you are a dinner guest chewing slowly shows your host or hostess that you are appreciating the tastes and effort it took them to make the meal.

Tip#4 Sit. Even if you are dinning alone sitting at the table is so very important.

You are important so set a place for yourself. No more eating in the car, eating on the run, eating standing up or worse yet eating in front of the TV. The experts say that sitting down to meals increases your chances of losing weight. (If indeed you need/want to lose weight.)

Tip#5 Set the stage. Get yourself a nice placemat, light the candles, turn on some nice music. Turn OFF the TV. And above all please do not answer the phone unless you are expecting an emergency call.

So often I will call a home and the person claims on the other end of the phone that they are right in the middle of dinner. I have never understood why people answer their phones when they cannot talk. (That is a whole different article). I was in a home the other day and they have a big sign on the fridge: “No phones one hour prior to dinner or during.” What I love about this message is that it was written by the young daughter. Do you think she might have been frustrated by the lack of communication at her family dinner table?

Whether you are dinning with yourself or your whole family these tips are a great way to slow down, connect, savour and enjoy your food and meals.

Give these TIPS a try and let me know some of your most favourite dinning experiences.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:40+00:00September 1st, 2014|Uncategorized|0 Comments

How to organize a large dinner party

Do you dread the holiday season and all of the large dinner parties that come with it?

Do you wish you had a magic wand and voila…dinner was on the table?

Have you changed your entertaining style over the years?

Somehow my home has become the place where all of the large dinner parties happen. This could be self induced or it could be because I have the space. Or is it habit? You know people do get use to tradition and routine. That being said, I have had to change up some of the ways in which I entertain.

There are ways to have a stress-free large dinner party. Check out this video and Getting It Together’s tips to see how.

Tip #1: Make a guest list.

Know your limit. How many people comfortably can fit around your dining room table? How many people do you feel comfortable cooking for? 6 people may be large for one person whereas 20 may not seem that large to another. I usually have between 12-14 at significant holidays. In general however, I really enjoy intimate dinner parties for 4-6.

Tip #2 Select your date and time.

Tip#3 Contact your guests with a personal invitation. Email or phone, whichever works best for you.

This is a great task to delegate to children if they are old enough.

Tip #4: Make your menu.

I like to write mine out as opposed to keeping it in my head. I keep in mind menu items that are easy and can be made in bulk. For example Caesar salad, mashed potatoes, baked beans, etc.

Tip#5: Write out your shopping list.

I wish I could get everything in one place however that does not work for the type of cooking I do, so I create a list for each of the stores I shop at. Having a list really helps with staying on course and not over shopping.

Tip #6: Make an action plan.

Take all the things you need to do and divide them up over the few days before your large dinner party. 2 days before you can do all of the grocery shopping. As you know from previous blogs I highly suggest cleaning all of your produce as soon as you bring it home and before you put it away. This is a huge time saver.

2 days before you can set your dining room table (another great task to delegate to older children).

One day before you can do all of the prep work, make desserts, etc. For example when I host Thanksgiving dinner I cook all the ingredients for the stuffing one day before putting it all together with the dried bread crumbs. I cut up all the vegetables and get all the big pots and pans out.

On the day of the large dinner party the turkey went in the oven, the stuffing went in the slow cooker, the potatoes went into the big pot and the vegetables went into the steamer.

I even had time for a nice long walk in the beautiful Vancouver sun shine and a relaxing cup of coffee out on a deck!

In the past I have done it all myself. If anyone offered to help I would say “thank you but I have it all covered”. Now when someone offers to help I jump on it.

If they would like to bring something I happily agree and give them an item that I feel would be best suited to them. For example, if one of your guests is always late you will want to delegate dessert to them. If they are the type of guest who is always on time then asking them to bring an appetizer works well.

If one of your guests is not particularly fond of cooking then give them the task of bringing fresh bread.

I have come to realize that everyone likes to contribute and that also means when it is time for clean up.

Tip #7: If no one offers to help or bring anything then it is time to delegate.

This past Thanksgiving the step granddaughters were over. They are not accustomed to offering to help yet. This is the perfect opportunity to practice delegation. They love to help and to feel important. This year Harper was so helpful with putting the cut flowers in a vase, cutting up the garlic and smashing the skore bars in preparation for Sundae Sunday. Harper is taking home economics this year and was very excited to help out.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:42+00:00November 11th, 2013|Organizer, Self Care Organization, Time Management|2 Comments

How To Be More “Green” – Part One

Do you wish you had a lower environmental impact (LEI)? This is the new word for being more green.

Do you feel if you were more organized you might in fact be more green?

What is the first thing that comes to your mind?

please watch this short video on how to be more green

Did you think of the most popular “going green” tactic?

Follow these simple Top Ten Tips on

how to be more green

by being more organized.

Tip #1 Cut out buying packaged foods. Think of how much less garbage you will have. Buying whole fresh foods is better for you and better for the environment. You will need to be more organized as whole fresh foods take a little longer to prepare.

Tip #2 Do full loads of laundry. You will save so much more water and less soap will be going into our environment. Have set laundry days. No more washing just the hockey uniform for tomorrow’s game.

Tip #3 Have all your errands planned and routed out. Think of how much gas and time you will save. This makes you SUPER green.

Tip #4 Be green by doing light coloured hand laundry first in a big bowl of water. Then wash your darks before tossing the water and doing a rinse. Hanging clothing items to dry also saves on our environment. You need to be organized and plan in advance if you need that specialty piece of clothing for a certain day.

Tip #5 Get the whole family hanging out in one room, reading, working on their computers, doing homework or watching TV. You will be so green because every light in the house will not be on. Turn lights off as you exit a room.

Tip #6 Use your oven for multiply cooking. For example if you are going to roast a beef for dinner use that oven energy to roast potatoes. Follow up with baking cookies, muffins or a quick bread. This saves on having the oven on one night for dinner and another night for baking.

Tip #7 Cooking in bulk saves on electricity. Not to mention your own energy. Be organized by planning ahead.

Tip #8 Hang your towels after each use. This way you can use them again. If they sit on the floor they usually end up in the laundry hamper. Get your whole family doing this tip. You will save on laundry, water, and the environment.

Tip #9 Take your own cloth bags grocery shopping. Once you have unpacked your groceries put your cloth bags right by the door. They will be ready to go back in your car. Be green and organized by taking your cloth bags even if you are going to the mall.

Tip #10 Use your own coffee cup. You can save a lot of paper cups just by simply bringing your own “to go” mug to a coffee shop, work or an event where you know they will have paper cups.

Do you have any other great “green” tips? Please share them below.

By |2020-06-07T20:52:44+00:00April 15th, 2013|Home Organization, Organizer|10 Comments

Best Bran Muffin Recipe

How would you like to have 6 weeks’ worth of bran muffin mixture in your fridge?

How would your family like hot, fresh muffins in the morning?

We all know that one of the best organizing tips is to cook or bake in bulk. It takes no more time to make a huge pot of soup as it does a small one. You still have to cut up the veggies, etc. Each time I make this best bran muffin recipe ever I think of you, my readers. You might have seen this recipe in the past or maybe you are seeing it for the first time. Either way, I have updated it, made it healthier and added a twist. My mom says “she thinks she could sing after eating one because of all the nuts and seeds.”

Try this simple recipe and be ready to make it again and again. It is LOW fat and no added sugar.

Best Bran Muffin recipe ever

2 cups All bran cereal

2 cups Boiling water

1 tsp Salt

Bran muffin recipeCombine in a large bowl or plastic tub (remember it needs to fit in the fridge for up to 6 weeks)


In a mixing bowl cream together:

1 cup Cooking oil

4 Eggs

4 1/3 cups Buttermilk (equals the 1 liter container) I use the low fat kind.

Add this mixture to the above cereal mixture


Add these remaining ingredients to your above big bowl of mixture

5 cups flour (I use spelt or whole wheat)

4 cups Natural Bran

3 tbsp Baking soda

Let this mixture stand overnight in the fridge.

When you are ready to bake some muffins, simply put a small amount of the mixture in a bowl (the large batch might separate while in the fridge. Not to worry just give it a good stir).  Add whatever you like. For example: cinnamon, dried fruit, hemp hearts, flax seeds, nuts, applesauce. Get creative. No two batches need to be the same. Make sure it is muffin recipe consistency. Not too moist and runny. Bake filled greased muffin cups ¾ full at 400 F (200 C) for about 20-30 minutes or until your toothpick comes out clean.

Bran muffin recipeI love the new silicone muffin cups. You do not need the grease or the paper liners. They are the best invention.

I would love to hear what you put in your muffins. Please leave me a comment below.

For quicker, great bulk cooking ideas please contact me for a FREE 30 minute phone consultation. I will give you ideas and suggestions on how to move forward in a more organized bulk-cooking way.


By |2020-06-07T20:52:45+00:00September 10th, 2012|Uncategorized|0 Comments


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